@getresultswithkatherine: For 30 years I ran restaurants. Mostly 6 days a week and on call all the time. It was highly stressful. High blood pressure, anxiety and it was killing me mentally and physically. I was missing out on everything family. I needed to make a change FAST. I found someone on social media explaining how she had created multiple streams of income with affiliate marketing. I was fascinated. I took a 15-day workshop he recommended. Digital marketing is real and it has changed my life! If you want to learn how I did this here are the steps I took: Step one: go to the link at the top of my profile page and click “free beginners guide” Step two: put your name and email address in to send your guide to. Step three: watch the video and sign up for the same workshop I took to learn high paying skills. Where you will learn affiliate, marketing/digital marketing, and how to start a business online The basic workshop is only seven dollars. you’ve got nothing to lose, and all to gain! Start your 2024 with a positive change that can dramatically impact your life in 3 to 6 months. If I can do it at 55 years old, you can too! You waited too long! It is YOUR time! Make sure you follow me for the best tips to do this👇##retirementplanning #momslife #over50