Yes! I didn’t even know what food noise was until it was gone! So much relief to not constantly be obsessing about food.
2024-11-17 22:38:54
Leah Harris :
I was always the girl at the party who just hung out at the food table. 🥺
2024-11-17 21:18:53
famousblueraincoat :
You’re an inspiration.
2024-11-17 20:36:40
Amanda :
Same. I feel so seen.
2024-11-17 21:24:19
Chianne Ebadi :
i just started my GLP 1 this past week and I finally understand this. The food noise is already decreasing and I feel like I finally feel normal!
2024-11-17 20:58:08
DamnYouJen :
I used to get so mad when my mom would steal some french friies
2024-11-27 00:15:07
Summer fun :
This is so on point
2024-11-17 20:45:08
Debs :
I'm 4 weeks in and wish I was feeling this. I feel nothing
2024-11-18 06:35:53
CaliRaised_IDGrown :
This touched me, I would feel so weird with my husband watching me eat. I would have a bag of popcorn every night, and some kind of chocolate and would hide it if he walked in.
2024-11-18 03:08:29
Mrs.MasterClassX :
People did judge me when I ate.. What I ate... how much I ate & how fast I ate.. I got to a point I would only eat what i thought ppl wanted to see me eat.. it's so hard.
2024-11-17 21:21:31
jsquidge1 :
This is so relatable!!
2024-11-19 01:40:52
Cali :
I was so territorial of food because of my obsession with it. Now I share my food cause it’s not anywhere near as important, it’s wild
2024-11-17 22:12:06
BlueStitching :
I had no idea how much food noise ruled my life. Until it’s gone you have no clue.
2024-11-19 16:53:31
Sami Z :
Girl me too. The sharing food still stresses me out though cause I think someone is going to think I don’t like something they brought if I don’t eat enough of it. Or I pass on it. 😩
2024-11-18 12:51:03
wereallalittlesilly :
Why are we like this? Is it psychological or gut health or both?
2024-11-18 19:35:43
Shelley Verducci :
I relate to this so much
2024-11-18 07:23:18
Patricia NC :
2024-11-17 23:19:29
Cortney James :
All of this! It’s such a relief and many people don’t get it
2024-11-18 01:42:21
teachertina8 :
Oh girl. Me too! It was 4 weeks Friday since I started MJ ( 5.0) and I just went to 7.5 m. Food noise is gone.
2024-11-18 04:51:50
Lucy's Golden Treasures :
I didn't know it until now but I would have aggression about food. Maybe it was a form of anxiety. And I was a secret eater for sure.
2024-11-18 02:05:40
Sarah :
So true and relatable. I almost feel like GLP 1 is a psych med the way it has helped my brain. Mind blowing for me. I guess this is what normal people feel like
2024-11-18 16:23:40
Vez1973 :
With the food noise all but gone I cannot believe how good I feel…
2024-11-18 05:02:07
GLP1 Lndzerz :
Day 1 and things were so much QUIETER today .... I've never felt this before 😳
2024-11-19 00:17:27
jmt0611 :
I hated when someone wanted to share food. Now I always want to share one plate. It’s cheaper
2024-11-18 14:58:55
Carrie Ann Taylor :
I still obsess about food because cooking is my favorite hobby. But even so, I can relate to so many of these
2024-11-17 23:20:09
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