@aldosari.80: ادْخُلُوهَا بِسَلَامٍ #سوره_ق #ياسر_الدوسري #aldosari80

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Monday 18 November 2024 09:57:20 GMT




حمــودي🥷🏻 :
تاريخ التلاوه لا هنت
2024-12-10 07:34:36
mohmmadsaad806 :
ماشآء الله تبارك الله ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😍😍❤️❤️
2024-12-02 11:52:33
عبدالعزيز ' :
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
2024-11-20 22:59:19
الغࢪّيد الآسِࢪ :
جزاك الله الجنة 🤍
2024-11-20 14:19:47
A🌷 :
اللهم صلِ وسلم على نبينا محمد 🌷
2024-12-06 08:25:31
Rizwan Yousaf :
2024-11-18 15:31:46
samaashraf :
2024-12-07 14:09:12
Lamis6H :
سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر♥️♥️.
2024-12-09 09:48:26
A🌷 :
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنه عرشه ومداد كلماته 🌷
2024-12-06 08:25:39
A🌷 :
من لزم الحوقلة فُرِّج همه وتيّسر أمره لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله❤️
2024-12-06 08:25:34
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Foot cramp during swimming, often felt after a freestyle kick or a turn, is a sharp muscle spasm at the sole of the foot. While stretching can alleviate it, continuing to swim becomes challenging. This issue is not limited to the pool; it's also common during open water swimming and triathlons. Prevention 1. Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated not just with water but with electrolytes, and eat appropriately before and after training. 2. Stretching: Essential for maintaining muscle flexibility, stretching should be part of your warm-up and warm-down routines for both pool and land-based sessions. Specific Muscle Stretches Try these stretches for the individual muscles in the calf and foot, holding each stretch for two minutes in 10, 20, or 30-second intervals. 1. Gastrocnemius Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other and lean against a wall. Bend your front leg and keep your back leg straight with your heel on the floor until you feel the muscle stretch in the back of the lower leg between your heel and knee. 2. Soleus Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other and lean against a wall. Bend both knees and transfer your weight to your back leg, ensuring you keep the heel of your back leg on the floor. You should feel the muscle stretch in the back of the lower leg. 3. Plantar Fascia Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other with the toes of your front foot on or against a raised platform (such as a step or a wall). Bend both knees until you feel the stretch in the sole of your front foot. 4. Alternative Plantar Fascia Relief: Roll your foot over a golf or hockey ball. If this is too painful, try it in warm water to help the muscles relax more. #coach #swimcoach #swimming #swim #swimmer #swimbikerun #triathlon #triathlontraining #ironmantraining #ironmantriathlon #swimrun #swimruntraining #totalimmersion #swimtechnique
Foot cramp during swimming, often felt after a freestyle kick or a turn, is a sharp muscle spasm at the sole of the foot. While stretching can alleviate it, continuing to swim becomes challenging. This issue is not limited to the pool; it's also common during open water swimming and triathlons. Prevention 1. Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated not just with water but with electrolytes, and eat appropriately before and after training. 2. Stretching: Essential for maintaining muscle flexibility, stretching should be part of your warm-up and warm-down routines for both pool and land-based sessions. Specific Muscle Stretches Try these stretches for the individual muscles in the calf and foot, holding each stretch for two minutes in 10, 20, or 30-second intervals. 1. Gastrocnemius Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other and lean against a wall. Bend your front leg and keep your back leg straight with your heel on the floor until you feel the muscle stretch in the back of the lower leg between your heel and knee. 2. Soleus Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other and lean against a wall. Bend both knees and transfer your weight to your back leg, ensuring you keep the heel of your back leg on the floor. You should feel the muscle stretch in the back of the lower leg. 3. Plantar Fascia Stretch: Stand with one leg in front of the other with the toes of your front foot on or against a raised platform (such as a step or a wall). Bend both knees until you feel the stretch in the sole of your front foot. 4. Alternative Plantar Fascia Relief: Roll your foot over a golf or hockey ball. If this is too painful, try it in warm water to help the muscles relax more. #coach #swimcoach #swimming #swim #swimmer #swimbikerun #triathlon #triathlontraining #ironmantraining #ironmantriathlon #swimrun #swimruntraining #totalimmersion #swimtechnique
