@maxiy210: لحم الخنزير ⁉️ . . . . . #محبي_عثمان_الخميس #عثمان_الخميس#الشيخ_عثمان_الخميس#اكتب_شي_توجر_عليه#اجر_لي_ولكم

محبي عثمان الخميس
محبي عثمان الخميس
Open In TikTok:
Region: TR
Monday 18 November 2024 22:01:12 GMT




الشيخ اجاباته مباشرة ولكن في هذا السؤال، حاول ان يلف ويدور لإنه لايعرف الإجابة!
2024-11-20 09:43:19
huda@100 :
اجابه حكيمه و مقنعه
2024-11-19 06:41:05
غريب :
حفظ الله الشيخ عثمان الخميس ونفع بعلمه المسلمين
2024-12-18 21:48:01
بصيره ابراهيم زنكنة :
أين الجواب. ياشيخنا. مفتهمنا كلشي
2024-12-19 19:47:25
M :
اين الجواب
2024-11-22 20:09:44
أبو زيد جدي موسى هارون يوسف :
جزاك الله خير يا شيخنا بارك الله فيك
2024-11-20 13:17:45
Dgdf :
أغلب الروايات تقول تذهب الغيره عند الإنسان والمعروف عند الغرب والله اعلم
2024-12-23 20:55:55
ام عبد الرحمن 🇮🇶🇵🇸 :
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
2024-12-21 17:42:49
اماراتي وأفتخر :
بارك الله فيك 👍🌹
2024-12-19 16:53:43
محمود مصطفي :
سبحان الله والحمد لله والله اكبر ربنا يبارك في حضرتك شيخان الفاضل
2024-11-19 07:15:35
Sami.900 :
ደህና መጣህ እንኳ ደህና መጣህ እንኳን ደህና መጣህ እንኳን ደህና መጣህ اكل لحم الخنزير يسبب نقص في هرمون الغيرة لذلك ترى اغلب الاشخاص الذين ياكلون الخنزير ليس لديهم غيرة على عرضهم
2025-02-15 11:09:23
iyadalhamamda :
الله ينور عليك
2025-02-11 20:30:00
محمد الورفلي :
بارك الله فيك
2025-02-02 15:10:13
dyfzgzzpekg7 :
2025-01-12 08:36:59
Louts🌸🤎 :
كلام سليم بارك الله فيك
2025-01-06 14:05:04
nasser Mohamad :
بارك الله فيك شيخنا
2024-12-22 20:10:23
dahm988 :
سبحانك ياربي لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
2024-12-22 00:27:30
امير الذوق :
اجابه واضحه وكلام عظيم
2024-12-21 18:45:30
بسام الزمر الرجبي :
الله يحفظ الشيخ الخميس
2024-12-21 09:45:52
مني مني :
لا حول ولاقوة الابالله العلي العظيم واتوب اليه استغفرالله
2024-12-09 11:40:41
tiktokuser1 :
العالم فين ونحن فين
2024-12-06 12:44:39
dyghzz9nzug4 :
جزاك الله خيرا
2024-12-06 09:36:16
متفائل في زمن اليأس :
جزاك الله خير
2024-12-02 17:48:36
محمد علي العبادي273 :
الحكمه في ذالك لالا يقرض وعندها تنقرض معظم الحيوانات اكلة اللحوم.لان اكله قد يجتث في اماكن معينه فيؤدي الى هلاك اغلب الوحشوش لانه الغذاء الرئيسي لها...والله اعلم.
2024-12-02 17:00:39
user6107611623201 :
اجابه كافيه جزاك الله خيرا شيخنا الجليل
2024-12-01 04:52:08
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I could have been part of the problem. I could have seen her as a means to make money and make pretty pets like every breeder purposely mixing the two. She was never bred. Let me be VERY clear. Ethical breeding extends beyond saying your puppy buyers love you and you did an embark test on them to “health test”. It’s beyond having a clean home and aesthetic.  It’s nuanced and it’s the training, the hours of studying structure and WHY one breed should have X and not Z but how that works for another breed. It’s driving 3 hours to a vet that takes accurate OFA xrays of your dog’s hips since it’s a problem in your breed, it’s the countless amount of money spent before you even know a dog is worthy of being bred. It’s making hard decisions when so much energy, love, and money has been poured into a dog that just doesn’t work out. It’s putting your dog’s wellbeing above yours. It’s keeping a lifelong relationship with puppy buyers and celebrating their milestones and successes, and being there for them when life gets tough. It’s about admitting you are WRONG and doing the right thing; being open to new ideas and challenge yourself.  I have asked corgi mutt breeders to have a conversation. They blocked me. In my personal experience, I was suckered out of $500 because I wanted to breed her and just by paying that amount meant that I could to her breeder. She didn’t understand why that is unethical. She didn’t understand why I spayed her. And that’s the problem.  Who would you rather choose? Someone that does the bare minimum or someone that extends beyond what you think is fine for a pet, that fiercely loves EVERY puppy the same (@ greeders who charge more depending on color/ $ex/ fluffy or not/ etc.) , and has morals & ethics when working with living beings?  I don’t hate the dogs that came of this. I hate people who know better and go back to these greeders. I hate those greeders themselves who have no forethought about spewing BS on how “great their business model is” online in response to me asking why they’d mix the two.  And I get it, you love your dog and you wish you can have another just like it. I promise you to the core of my being that you can find a dog just like that *ethically*. I just hope more people will begin to care and start challenging old ways of thinking, that’s all🩵  P.S. an American Corgi is a mutt and what Raven was marketed as solely for her blue merle. She’s beautiful but she’s unsound structurally and has more health issues than my well bred purebred dog. Please don’t believe you should ever pay more for a dog with a certain color, you’re getting scammed. #ethicalbreeding #corgi #mixedbreed #corgisoftiktok #corgidog #pembrokewelshcorgi #cardiganwelshcorgi
I could have been part of the problem. I could have seen her as a means to make money and make pretty pets like every breeder purposely mixing the two. She was never bred. Let me be VERY clear. Ethical breeding extends beyond saying your puppy buyers love you and you did an embark test on them to “health test”. It’s beyond having a clean home and aesthetic. It’s nuanced and it’s the training, the hours of studying structure and WHY one breed should have X and not Z but how that works for another breed. It’s driving 3 hours to a vet that takes accurate OFA xrays of your dog’s hips since it’s a problem in your breed, it’s the countless amount of money spent before you even know a dog is worthy of being bred. It’s making hard decisions when so much energy, love, and money has been poured into a dog that just doesn’t work out. It’s putting your dog’s wellbeing above yours. It’s keeping a lifelong relationship with puppy buyers and celebrating their milestones and successes, and being there for them when life gets tough. It’s about admitting you are WRONG and doing the right thing; being open to new ideas and challenge yourself. I have asked corgi mutt breeders to have a conversation. They blocked me. In my personal experience, I was suckered out of $500 because I wanted to breed her and just by paying that amount meant that I could to her breeder. She didn’t understand why that is unethical. She didn’t understand why I spayed her. And that’s the problem. Who would you rather choose? Someone that does the bare minimum or someone that extends beyond what you think is fine for a pet, that fiercely loves EVERY puppy the same (@ greeders who charge more depending on color/ $ex/ fluffy or not/ etc.) , and has morals & ethics when working with living beings? I don’t hate the dogs that came of this. I hate people who know better and go back to these greeders. I hate those greeders themselves who have no forethought about spewing BS on how “great their business model is” online in response to me asking why they’d mix the two. And I get it, you love your dog and you wish you can have another just like it. I promise you to the core of my being that you can find a dog just like that *ethically*. I just hope more people will begin to care and start challenging old ways of thinking, that’s all🩵 P.S. an American Corgi is a mutt and what Raven was marketed as solely for her blue merle. She’s beautiful but she’s unsound structurally and has more health issues than my well bred purebred dog. Please don’t believe you should ever pay more for a dog with a certain color, you’re getting scammed. #ethicalbreeding #corgi #mixedbreed #corgisoftiktok #corgidog #pembrokewelshcorgi #cardiganwelshcorgi
