@chelseatantra: If you have prominent placements or angles in the fixed signs— Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus, you will be feeling the transformation most intensely over the next 20 years. Keep in mind, Pluto transits are long so if you are directly impacted by a Pluto transit, depending on how it falls with the retrogrades, Pluto could take you on a journey into the underworld for about 2 years. As Pluto enters Aquarius, we will see a new set of themes which will continue unravel over the next 2 decades. The elites vs the people. People vs ai. What lurks in the shadows of technology, science and information. Moving from the power in governments and corporations to technocrats and hidden networks. We will be getting glimpses of these dark truths throughout this time, but more often than not, many will be oblivious, because the truth is hidden in plain sight. I would also like to think that we will see power shift from the few into the many. But in order for that to happen, that’s up to us. But our power has always lied within us…. Within our minds. And with Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years, if we don’t control our minds, someone else will.
Region: US
Tuesday 19 November 2024 07:10:43 GMT
Jax :
i want off this ride grandpa 😭
2024-11-19 12:44:16
Cody Fast :
Things are about to get wild haha 😏
2024-11-19 23:34:05
Parting0ftheSensory :
What about 0degree Chiron in Leo? 😳
2024-11-19 14:58:35
🧿Starseed✨Lightworker✨🧿🪬🫶 :
Ty doll do u have Virgo ♍️in ur chart 📊 ?
2024-11-19 19:55:13
Finn Nicholson :
Is that labradorite
2024-11-19 23:08:20
🪲 :
me venus is at 0 degrees in aquarius omg.
2024-11-20 12:04:36
Mads ☾𖤓 :
every astro babe il has glowing skin
2024-11-20 20:56:34
🧿iAmOracular_Spectacular🪬 :
Where did you get your necklace?
2024-11-19 23:40:12
she.rh.neg17 :
Love David Icke ❤️Definitely an OG
2024-11-19 14:52:17
pattie. :
So as a Pisces Rising with a Capricorn Stellium, is Pluto still hitting my 11th house ?
2024-11-19 16:36:14
Ni🌱 :
5th house Capricorn stellium and 6th house Aquarius sun and mercury! I’m so happy for Saturn to be moving up outta my fifth house 🙌🏾
2024-11-20 14:00:57
clataclata :
Pt.2 PART 2!
2024-11-19 14:40:20
cami wami🫀 :
My big 3 is all fixed signs bruh
2024-11-20 18:11:44
Brianna Antonice 🤎🌻 :
My cap stellium is soooooo excited
2024-11-19 16:05:50
JanMasterJ :
My rising in Aquarius at 0 degrees. My life has been turned upside down.
2024-12-09 16:01:38
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