@manpuku_gourmet_food: 顎が外れそうなぐらい大きい超極厚ぷわぷわたまごサンドが絶品! たまごサンドは濃厚な黄身をマヨネーズで和えてコクを出し白身はメレンゲにすることで軽い仕上がりに! ふわふわのパンで挟んでいるから食べ歩きにもピッタリな逸品。 分厚い見た目なのにペロっと食べれるから15時のおやつにもgood! 《今回注文したお料理》 プワプワ玉子サンド 480円 《店名》こんなにデカいサンドイッチは反則だ 《住所》大阪府大阪市中央区瓦屋町3-5-17 《営業時間》11時から16時 《定休日》月曜日 《来店時間》日曜15時頃 《待ち時間》5分程 《予約》可 《駐車場》なし(近隣にコインパーキングあり) The super thick fluffy egg sandwich is so big you'll fall off your jaw! The egg sandwich is made with a rich yolk mixed with mayonnaise to bring out its richness, and the white is made into meringue to give it a light finish! It's sandwiched between fluffy bread, so it's a great dish to eat on the go. It looks thick, but you can eat it all in one go, so it's great as a 3pm snack! 《Food I ordered this time》 Puffy egg sandwich 480 yen 《Store name》Sandwiches this big are unfair 《Address》3-5-17 Kawarayacho, Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture 《Business hours》11am-4pm 《Closed》Mondays 《Visit time》Sundays around 3pm 《Waiting time》About 5 minutes 《Reservations》Available 《Parking》No (there is paid parking nearby) #大阪グルメ #大阪ランチ #japanesefood #tiktokfood