@sugarbrowed: Perfect isolation is key to flawless brow extensions! We share 5 essential tips to ensure smooth, precise application when working with long extensions: 1. Use Fine-Tipped Tweezers: For better control, choose tweezers with a fine point to separate each hair individually. 2. Work in Small Sections: Isolate a small section at a time to avoid tangling or overworking the area. 3. Push Back with Tweezers: Gently push the long extensions back to prevent them from interfering with your isolation process. 4. Be Mindful of Natural Brow Shape: Follow the natural direction of the brow hairs to ensure a more seamless, natural look. 5. Keep the Area Clean: Make sure the skin and hair are free from oils or product buildup for optimal extension adhesion. Master these techniques for a clean, professional brow extension application every time! #browextensions #browtips #browtechnique #browextensioncourse #browshaping #browtrends #browapplication #browinspo