@the360mama: Pregnancy and birth can cause changes to happen to your pelvic floor muscles and the position of pelvic organs. Up to 1 in 2 women will experience a prolapse in their lifetime and postpartum is often a time when it will present. If you’re struggling with any of these symptoms it’s worth seeking the support of a pelvic health or womens health physiotherapist who can check for prolapse and support you with how to look after it. Pelvic floor exercises are often a good place to start, but there is lots more you can do including addressing diet and hydration to keep bladder and bowels functioning well, improving posture, strengthening glutes and core muscles and learning to breath in a way that reduces pressure on the pelvic floor. #postpartumbody #postpartum #pregnancy #newmom #pelvicfloorexercises #physiotherapy #prolapse