@abbyberner: THANKSGIVING BASKET GIVEAWAY🥰 To win: - Follow my Tiktok :) - COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE THANKSGIVING MEAL! Repost & Tag your friends for more entrees❤️ 1 winner chosen on Friday Nov 22 good luck!!!
I would have to say ham and deep fried turkey gravy and Mac n cheese and stuffing and collards. I feel it's a blessing to be able to eat anything on Thanksgiving I remember times I didn't have nothing
2024-11-20 04:51:46
@IAmDarkknight🦇 :
myy dam man i lovs som abby !!dam u gots beautiful fase iiswear i lov hav yur stuffn 😍🔥 i luv dat bod ur hot meal
2024-11-20 02:29:22
erick_conant :
Deep fried turkey is my favorite! Thank you for doing this it is so cool!
2024-11-20 14:42:54
perolikealuis :
@Abby Berner try the dollar store like family dollar or dollar tree they always have stuff
2024-11-19 23:43:35
jasonbrisson1 :
My wife last year smoked a turkey, now it’s my favorite. I asked her to smoke another one this year. It was awesome.
2024-11-19 22:24:09
Abd kader Mhidi :
2024-12-15 18:00:13
💫M E L I S S A 💫 :
turkey mashpotato n gravy stuffing bun sandwich. lil yumm!