The most annoying argument is “LeBron has losing record in the finals and Jordan is perfect.” Oh so you mean Jordan lost EARLIER in the playoffs. Got it. Just attacking the argument. They both great
2024-11-21 01:57:28
ibethorses :
It's legitimately insane to me that people still thinknthere is even a debate. In 2016, maybe,'s just not even close.
2024-11-21 00:58:43
venturatrujillo13 :
If it wasn’t for a 3 by Ray Allen to force gm 7. Draymond getting suspended for gm 5. Kyrie’s 3 in gm 7. A 4 month Covid break. LeBron could have 1 ring & be 1-8 finals. GOAT? 😂 MJ could’ve been 8-0.
2024-11-21 08:43:47
shukear :
what do we say on 10 scoring titles?
2024-11-21 04:24:21
Leon Killings486 :
Your clip of MJ mightve unintentionally contributed to the argument against LBJ. IJS
2024-11-20 22:04:44
ndutashelly :
Omg thanks! Doing thanks giving with my wife’s very athletic in-laws and this is the content i need. For context my family cannot tell the difference between golf and
2024-11-21 01:26:35
Kris :
At the end of the day though they both are were amazing to even just talk about just the two is telling. ✊🏿
2024-12-07 22:27:37
danielenfuego :
Now give us the pro MJ debate I’m not here to win I’m here to instigate
2024-11-21 20:18:36
Joy0rbison :
MJ went 9 seasons without taking 3 consecutive L’s in a row. Basically a decade without losing three consecutive games. I’m not a hater of LBJ, he’s amazing. But he will never compare to MJ.
2024-11-21 15:19:55
Josh Alecusan :
I could give you about 37,000 more talking points if you have the time😂 been going through this battle for 8 years and have just been stacking the ammo lol
2024-11-21 02:46:37
user8736541116523 :
nobody fears lebron respect. mj was feared respected. nobody eagerly anticipating lbj shoes lol. lbj mj walk in the room mj will have all eyes on him. so yea the goat mj hands down
2024-11-21 21:11:52
Snes :
Jordan left the game for two years, came back and won a 3peat. In addition he has the highest ppg avg in both reg season and playoffs. He also struck fear in opponents. Jordan is the GOAT
2024-11-21 17:56:28
Iowa Lawkeye :
While I truly appreciate the arguments from both sides, for me James just can't escape the turnovers...
2024-11-20 21:44:22
alwaysmovingbreeze :
LeFlop never got a DPOY. But seriously, Jordan achieved so much more during his time in the league than LeBron achieved in the same time frame. If you value longevity over titles, dominance and impact
2024-11-20 21:43:56
Papa Fusion :
Very good argument, however, you seem to have neglected Jordan's 9 All-Defesnsive Team Awards and 3X DPOY. It's not all about scoring, but MJ has higher Reg. Season and playoff scoring averages.
2024-11-21 12:30:26
user34545rt454 :
A lot of good points here, but I would at least counter with the fact that scoring in the league as a whole has gone up significantly since Jordan's era
2024-11-21 01:36:51
John Carpenter :
I need you to answer this question.. one playoff series, and you get to pick your team. Who is your first pick Michael or LeBron?
2024-11-22 18:37:07
Val :
Sick of people ignoring 50% of the game, defense. MJ has 9 all nba defensive selections and a dpoy award. Along with his scoring prowess he’s the better player imo
2024-11-21 22:06:26
Justin Williams :
Remember yall, the talking point isn’t Bron’s “longevity”, it’s about his “consistency”
2024-11-21 12:29:13
soul_monk :
If I'm not mistaken, only 4 times did a player get: Scoring champ, All-Team Def, League MVP & Finals MVP in the same year..Name those 4 players: 1) Michael Jordan, 2) MJ, 3) His Airness & 4) Like Mike
2024-11-20 22:12:12
Reed Schaffhauser :
Not to mention he’s the youngest ever to reach every points milestone
2024-11-21 02:24:13
Jeff Bachtel :
2024-11-21 02:55:29
🫡 :
& speak on average shot attempts
2024-11-22 12:50:25
Kevin O'Neill :
Who has won league mvp, finals mvp, first team defensive team, scoring title? MJ. 4 times. No one else.
2024-11-21 09:35:17
Okirike :
From now on longevity has to be a prerequisite in any goat argument. The longer you’ve played at a high-level the greater you are.
2024-11-21 20:50:05
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