@georgianlegend995: 100,000k martyr of Georgia 1226 in just one day, after numerous betrayals towards the Georgians jalal ad-din enters the capital of Tbilisi with a huge army and gives a choice to the Georgians to reject their faith and take Islam by spitting on the icons and to have your life saved or to remain an Orthodox Christian by refusing all this and die 100,000k Georgians chose death for Christ! 🇬🇪☦️ #pourtoi #foryоu #foryouu #georgia🇬🇪 #georgian #georgianmusic #georgianproverb #georgiandanc #georgianwarriors #georgianwar #saqartvelo🇬🇪 #qartuli #ფორიუ #ფორიუზე #საქართველო #ქართულისიმღერები #ქართველები #kavkaz #kavkazmusic #kavkazdance #100kmartyrdetbilisi