Concept of the 2nd could likely never happen again because airport security is much more strict. The story would now be he is stuck in Chicago airport alone and hopefully not trafficked b4 his Uber
2024-11-24 05:24:37
alicia.r3562 :
Also like Taken and Taken 2, why travel again, goodness.
2024-11-24 12:08:34
Shalon Amaranth :
that child would practically be handcuffed to me until we arrived at the other end if he'd been mine.
2024-12-18 23:23:12
Hannah Nester :
As someone who has been stranded in airports multiple times them choosing to travel again is the most believable part. 😂
2024-11-24 21:02:40
MiniMinion2023 :
You sound like my daughter. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
2024-11-24 02:18:36
sharreldine :
I think about that a lot! I don't know how the Mom would even be physically able to let go of Kevin at all!
2024-11-24 13:11:57
Eternia :
These are things I have screamed at this movie multiple times. Glad to know I’m not alone
2024-11-24 15:26:30
ElleListic :
As a kid I did the same thing Kevin did, followed a man with the same coat as my dad, got totally lost lol
2024-11-24 03:01:18
Jedi SteelWolf :
2024-12-07 14:27:47
Aunty Becca's Creations :
maybe the grandparents pid for it so they didn't have to be there with the chaos, they just get to sit home ND relax, lol
2024-11-24 03:51:30
WildfireHart :
I would not have another family traveling with us & I would have everyone in one car & constantly doing a headcount 😅😅😅
2024-11-24 13:37:04
SW_Homestead :
One would think!! 😅
2024-11-24 13:56:13
Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder :
Agree! Like why is there a Taken TRILOGY? At some point we have to admit they were just terrible parents. 😂
2024-11-24 02:19:08
Raised By Bats 🦇 :
I would have put the kid on a damned leash. 😂
2024-11-25 20:08:07
Umm… Haley? :
So this is my son’s favorite movies and I was like “IF I EVER lost you like that you can BET, I would NEVER take my eyes off him in an airport!”
2024-11-24 18:11:11
Xóchitl PR :
I think it's the universe where you're just filthy rich. I mean, that house is insane
2024-11-24 05:47:59
anxietywitch :
What instantly pisses me off is that they don’t even have a second thought about their alarm clock. Like, bitch triple check that shit!!
2024-11-24 02:18:54
Andrew Mackenzie :
They’d keep him on a leash
2024-11-24 02:13:37
doggie parent :
hand? nope. that child is physically attached to a parent or responsible adult until we are in the air like I'm transporting someone from ConAir. 😂
2024-11-24 03:31:44
Fuck I’m Gorgeous :
The Home Alone movies make no sense!Particularly in modern day. It’s a very specific 80’s/90’s experience to have no idea where your kids are most of the time
2024-11-24 02:39:20
Lila :
i know its random, but i hope you see it as a complimet, in this light and with this makeup i see you as a femme fatale
2024-12-07 23:41:30
Heather :
Right! As a mom I’d never travel again and if I did I’d tie a rope to all the kids.
2024-11-26 01:01:24
Kayla Stewart :
forget the hand on the head until they are on the plane. I'm sitting NEXT to that kid on the way there, not letting go!
2024-11-24 03:20:14
Nikki :
they needed a leash for him
2024-11-24 02:22:14
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