@mazikaegypt3: العريس عمل الواجب مش محتاج حد يولعلو الفرح 🔥🚨💪🏻 #العريش #كريم_مزيكا #الكابوس #شمال_سيناء #الشيخ_زويد #بير_العبد #فريق_بيت_الفن_موسيقار_كريم_مزيكا #ترند_العريش #اقوي_حظ_في_مصر #بيت_الفن #العالمي #رفح #كريم_مزيكا_العريش

Kareem Mazzika 🎹💪🏻
Kareem Mazzika 🎹💪🏻
Open In TikTok:
Region: EG
Monday 25 November 2024 11:32:12 GMT




Nabil Ȝaysh :
الله يفرح كل الشباب ❤️
2024-12-11 13:50:52
Hamzataha777 :
احلا فرحه والله♥️♥️
2024-11-26 17:39:30
الحجاوي ‼️🤙🫀‼️♥️ :
العلاج ياكركر
2024-11-25 11:49:45
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Sometimes you think you want certain things in life but actually it’s the most simple things in life that make you successful.  Firstly I would like to take a moment to be so grateful for the journey I have been on for the last 8 years. I always say this with out all your support and my customers I wouldn’t be here today.  Secondly thank you for giving me the motivation to now grow bigger and truly reach my ambitions in life.  I remember when I had an office in mayfair and I had full time staff for my business. This is what I thought I wanted for my business. I was so wrong. My business grew the most when I worked from home and my friends and family were there to help me grow. I had the most fun and built the best memories. I cannot tell you how lucky and blessed I feel to have such amazing friends and family that have worked with me for years to grow my business. And I promise you the best office I ever had was my living room.  My gorgeous nephew Mikail helped me so much he use to label my products and help me fill and he was only 3/4 years old! My sisters @its.me.sara.akhtar @zara.h.meer helped me fill and label 1000’s of bottles of only you all knew. And there were times where my arms wouldn’t move because I had made 100kg of shampoos and conditioners. I use to pack over 300 orders a day and sometimes I was in so much pain that I thought about quitting. It was serious manual labour which people don’t see.  Than you to each and every family member and friends that have been kinder enough to support me and work with me and support me through my tough times because running a business isn’t easy, it’s long days and long nights, it’s high amounts of stress BUT it’s also soul fulfilling, pure happiness, pure love and abundance only comes when you are enjoying your journey and the process.  Always and forever love you all ❤️❤️💜💜💕💕🌎🌎🧿🧿🤲🤲   #howmyjourneystarted #yasminkarimi #beauty #valentine #facemask #BeautyReview
Sometimes you think you want certain things in life but actually it’s the most simple things in life that make you successful. Firstly I would like to take a moment to be so grateful for the journey I have been on for the last 8 years. I always say this with out all your support and my customers I wouldn’t be here today. Secondly thank you for giving me the motivation to now grow bigger and truly reach my ambitions in life. I remember when I had an office in mayfair and I had full time staff for my business. This is what I thought I wanted for my business. I was so wrong. My business grew the most when I worked from home and my friends and family were there to help me grow. I had the most fun and built the best memories. I cannot tell you how lucky and blessed I feel to have such amazing friends and family that have worked with me for years to grow my business. And I promise you the best office I ever had was my living room. My gorgeous nephew Mikail helped me so much he use to label my products and help me fill and he was only 3/4 years old! My sisters @its.me.sara.akhtar @zara.h.meer helped me fill and label 1000’s of bottles of only you all knew. And there were times where my arms wouldn’t move because I had made 100kg of shampoos and conditioners. I use to pack over 300 orders a day and sometimes I was in so much pain that I thought about quitting. It was serious manual labour which people don’t see. Than you to each and every family member and friends that have been kinder enough to support me and work with me and support me through my tough times because running a business isn’t easy, it’s long days and long nights, it’s high amounts of stress BUT it’s also soul fulfilling, pure happiness, pure love and abundance only comes when you are enjoying your journey and the process. Always and forever love you all ❤️❤️💜💜💕💕🌎🌎🧿🧿🤲🤲 #howmyjourneystarted #yasminkarimi #beauty #valentine #facemask #BeautyReview
Aqua Birne - Premium Blütenpollen | Zusatzfutter für Wirbellose & Fische - Geeignet für Garnelen & Schnecken & Zwergflusskrebse & Krabben & Fische - Hohe Akzeptanz - Liefert viele wichtige Nährstoffe - Wirkt sich positiv auf das Immunsystem aus - 100% natürliche Zutaten in höchster Qualität - Made in GERMANY 🇩🇪 Meine Premium Blütenpollen bestehen aus 100% Blütenpollen. Diese sind nicht nur ein hervorragendes Garnelenfutter / Schneckenfutter, sie können noch mehr! Alle meine Tiere (Garnelen, Schnecken, Krebse und Krabben) werden in der Zuchtanlage damit gefüttert. Die Akzeptanz ist von Beginn an sehr hoch. Fischarten wie z.B: Guppys, Welse, Panzerwelse, Platys, Salmler, Bärblinge, Guramis, und andere fressen auch gerne die Blütenpollen, sobald diese sich im Aquarium in kleinere
Aqua Birne - Premium Blütenpollen | Zusatzfutter für Wirbellose & Fische - Geeignet für Garnelen & Schnecken & Zwergflusskrebse & Krabben & Fische - Hohe Akzeptanz - Liefert viele wichtige Nährstoffe - Wirkt sich positiv auf das Immunsystem aus - 100% natürliche Zutaten in höchster Qualität - Made in GERMANY 🇩🇪 Meine Premium Blütenpollen bestehen aus 100% Blütenpollen. Diese sind nicht nur ein hervorragendes Garnelenfutter / Schneckenfutter, sie können noch mehr! Alle meine Tiere (Garnelen, Schnecken, Krebse und Krabben) werden in der Zuchtanlage damit gefüttert. Die Akzeptanz ist von Beginn an sehr hoch. Fischarten wie z.B: Guppys, Welse, Panzerwelse, Platys, Salmler, Bärblinge, Guramis, und andere fressen auch gerne die Blütenpollen, sobald diese sich im Aquarium in kleinere "Blütenpöllchen" auflösen. Zwergflusskrebse wie die CPO erfreuen sich ebenfalls an den feinen Futterpartikeln. Die Blütenpollen sind weich und zerfallen recht schnell in ihre flockigen Bestandteile. Sie bieten so allen Bewohnern ausreichend Futtereinzelteile. Gesammelt wurden diese mit viel Liebe von fliegenden Wirbellosen (Bienen), für unsere geliebten Wirbellosen im Aquarium --- ▶️ 23.12 = GRATIS Probe von meinen Premium Blütenpollen. Ich möchte Euch gerne eine Freude bereiten und lege am heutigen Tag zu jeder Bestellung bei mir im Onlineshop eine gratis 8 Gramm Probe dazu! 🤠👍 Gültig am 23.12. --- Das freut die Bewohner in meiner Aquarium Zuchtanlage: Zwerggarnelen / Garnelen, Wasserschnecken / Aquariumschnecken, Krebse, Krabben, Wasserpflanzen, Moose.. 🦐🌿 Aqua Birne Shop: Aqua - Birne . de 🐌🦞 Folge mir gerne für mehr! Aquaristische Grüße Daniel Birnbaum, die Aqua Birne 🍐🤠 . . . #Aquarium #garnelen #garnelenaquarium #garnelenbecken #nanocube #nanoaquarium #neocaridina #caridina #wasserschnecken #fische #garnelenzucht #zwerggarnelen #aquaristik
