@recycldstardust: Thanksgiving day is a somber day of mourning for Native American and indigenous people of the United States. The truth is the Thanksgiving day began because of a massacre of Native American people. and when celebrating Thanksgiving you are celebrating the elimination of Native American indigenous people across the United States. Now I’m not saying that you can’t celebrate Thanksgiving day but maybe when celebrating you can do a land acknowledgment using services like native-land.ca and whoseland to search WhoseLand you’re currently occupying. Look into supporting Native American and indigenous causes. Support native American activists. And become knowledgeable on the atrocities that are still facing Native Americans and indigenous people today. remember today is a somber day of morning for Native Americans and indigenous people. #nativetiktok #nativefamily #nativeamericanheritagemonth #nativeamerican
Thank you for the fresh ideas! I didn’t know that about Lincoln.
2024-11-26 12:55:34
Her Witchy Waze :
Also thank you for your labor in teaching this important information.
2024-11-26 14:26:35
LionShare :
:Europeans didn't discovered, but was into bandit tourism, and led A campaign of covetouness and grand theft. Slavery and murder for king and country. THE GODHEAD OF THE BIBLE DISAPPROVED
2025-01-17 23:06:17
gtrkidmicsm :
Native Americans stole this land from the dinosaurs
2024-11-27 21:16:57
Automattik :
90% of Americans celebrate holidays because they are tradition, and we all just go through the motions. We don't really put any thought behind it. it's really just a break from work.
2024-11-28 14:05:35
Yahweh Allah :
The real native Americans are black peoples not mongols
2024-11-27 02:13:04
crueltyfree makeup 🐰 :
I’ve learned SO much from you. Thank you
2024-11-26 12:16:18
Melissa :
I had to explain this to my mom last night. She was like “they had a beautiful meal to thank god for everything they attained during the year” I said “mom was that before or after they were murdered?”
2024-11-26 20:01:32
dutti23 :
everywhere Europeans go there is genocide. people living in peace and love until Europeans show and declare the land empty then the genocide begins and then they have the audacity to call us savages.
2024-12-27 14:13:29
k_squared16 :
I never knew this! Thank you for the lesson!
2024-11-28 17:53:42
Lonelymamabear :
Like this is very upsetting
2024-11-26 19:21:53
Tiffany :
we don't celebrate Thanksgiving I just make food my kids pick out. call it a day 😅 no family get togethers, stay at home. it's mostly a vacation for my kids off school. my oldest is native American
2024-11-26 20:24:50
CallmeKelle :
Thank you for educating us!
2024-11-28 04:52:19
Mehleena :
My kids are 7&8, homeschooled. This real history is what they were/are taught & they share that information with other kids 😅🤷♀️Love the tips you gave on texchinh the
2024-11-26 15:02:06
Blue :
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Natives were killing natives over land ….soooo
2024-11-28 20:44:41
joeypluma :
Thank you for teaching us
2024-11-26 12:29:07
La.Luna78 :
Thank you for your knowledge 🤎
2024-11-26 14:05:59
Emma 🪩 :
Native land where I am is Pueblos (NM) and Ute is the language what a great resource thanks for sharing 💕
2024-11-26 17:06:28
tg3 :
Thank you for the history and the recommendations.
2024-11-26 13:28:23
user43297314388 :
Thank you for taking your time and energy to share this information.
2024-11-26 15:37:19
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