I throw around Why Does He Do That? in so many conversations
2024-11-27 01:52:49
Celeste Kharma Portela :
Most people don’t start seeking a consensus until they can’t get the issue resolved internally. They’re trying to find out if they’re expecting too much or their feelings are justified.
2024-12-17 17:17:54
Kaori :
Added to my list
2024-12-15 17:56:01
𝕄𝕩. 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖 :
I just feel like we underscore individualism by treating bad relationships like a bad retail experience instead of offering real support, esp. to people who cannot leave for many reasons.
2024-11-27 01:49:05
LyraMinks :
Why does he do that is amazing
2024-11-26 20:59:40
FlapFlapOctopus :
As a survivor of stalking, thank you so so much for this!
2024-11-26 22:36:38
Intrusive Thot :
Was just about to post “don’t forget about The Gift of Fear”!
2024-11-26 23:11:36
whiskeytangofoxtrot :
Narcissistic Lovers by Cynthia Zayn and Kevin Dibble MS. recommended to me by my phenomenal therapist and re-recommended to me as needed lol 😅
2024-11-26 21:45:28
Jolie Tenshi :
the first and the second to last are free on Spotify
2024-11-27 02:55:40
angelia frare :
After leaving an abusive relationship I joined a "SafePlace" support group and we read every one of those books 10/10 helped me soooo much
2024-12-19 06:49:34
Cole :
Verbally abusive relationship book shocked me after my divorce. It was all there in black and white.
2024-12-17 20:00:26
Sydney :
currently the star to my own movie rn... and the ending has left me empty haha...
2024-11-27 13:52:14
flexistential :
The gift of fear changed my life! I stopped listening to my headphones outside of my home cuz of this book
2024-11-27 16:48:23
April 💕 :
Have you read Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates? I’d love your take on it if you have
2024-11-26 21:02:25
Thora Woods, Author :
adds to cart for research purposes
2024-11-26 22:58:51
Joey :
I sent why does he do that and the gift of fear to my then neighbour, and she got out with no going back. Moved in with us for a bit while she got back on her feet. She's thriving now 💙
2024-12-01 15:53:36
rocky mtn court jester :
Reddit is a cesspool but the quote about toxic partners making you live with a “tolerable level of unhappiness” has lived in my brain since I saw it
2024-12-26 14:17:55
Kimberly :
I am so glad you put that as your first book. it really helped me understand the abuse I had just escaped from. Also, I absolutely love Dr Ramani and her Tube of You channel.
2024-12-18 07:10:53
Gwendolyn :
Movie? I lived a damn trilogy!
2024-11-27 00:26:58
alternateashley :
Psychopath free felt like a playbook
2024-11-27 14:20:52
Finger Smudges :
I read Why Does He Do That in a waiting room many years ago and could never remember the name or author, so thank you!!!
2025-01-14 20:26:14
s4gemarie4 :
I am one of the “recognizers” of the script but THANK YOU SO MUCH for these book recs, want them all now
2025-01-28 21:21:13
Your Grandmas Name :
"Men Who Hate Women and the Women who Love Them" got me out x
2024-12-21 20:26:52
LavaCheetahAquaPanda :
We just want them to get to be in future films
2024-12-28 23:31:08
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