@deltabolic: ✅ Triceps Pushdown Form Tips 1) Use a Thumbless Grip: Let the bar rest closer to the base of your palm. This reduces wrist strain, improves leverage, and makes it easier to keep your elbows tucked. 2) Keep a Neutral Wrist: Avoid bending your wrists to minimize discomfort and prevent strain. 3) Fix Your Upper Arms: Keep your upper arms stationary to ensure your triceps does most of the work (and avoid other muscles from becoming involved). 4) Depress Your Shoulders: Keep your shoulders down to avoid engaging your traps. 5) Lean Forward Slightly: A small forward lean improves leverage. 6) Tuck Your Elbows: Keep your elbows close to your body to maintain tension on the triceps and protect your joints. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #tricepspushdown #triceppushdown #tricepsextension