@andrejcooksfish: COOKING EVERY FISH IN THE WORLD 🐟 🌍 Episode 53 - Neon Tetra • BIN: Paracheirodon innesi FR: Tétra néon / néon bleu GER: Neonsalmler / Neonfisch IT: Neon ESP: Tetra neón CRO-SRB: Plava neonka PT: Bandeirinha / tetra neon • Devilled eggs with crispy fried fish! Blue coloured quail eggs filled with a red and spicy gochujang mayonnaise to honour the beautiful colours of the neon tetra fish. The perfect party snack, quick and easy to prepare. I guarantee your guests will have something to talk about! • Ingredients (serves 6): 12 neon tetras or any small fish 6 quail eggs 1/2 red cabbage 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp mustard 180ml grape seed oil 2 tbsp gochujang • Recipe: 1. Roast the fish in the oven at 200C for about 15-20 minutes. 2. Boil the eggs for 4 minutes and peel. Boil the cabbage for 5 minutes until the water turns blue. Drain and once the water is cool, marinate the eggs in it overnight. 3. Mayonnaise: combine the egg yolk and mustard and whisk in the oil. Add the gochujang. 4. Cut the eggs in two, scoop out the yolks and push through a fine sieve. Combine with the mayonnaise and pipe into the yolk holes. Dress with the fried fish and enjoy! 🥚 • #neontetra #fishrecipe #devilledeggs #eggs #eggrecipe #partyfood #canape