@marthabrookldn: It got progressively worse 😩 I wasn’t sure whether to share this but I think it’s important firstly to know that when you order a fake version of something, you aren’t getting the same thing but cheaper. Often, as in this case, it’s a scam. None of the contents in this advent calendar are usable. 😢 I am also so worried people are going to open this counterfeit copy in December, thinking we’ve made it as it has our name and logo on it, so this is my last push to remind people this isn’t ours. 💔 Any shares would be hugely appreciated to spread the word. And again, we are so sorry if you’ve been affected. Do pop us an email if we can help at all [email protected] #stationeryadventcalendar #adventcalendar #advent2024 #christmas2024
They went to so much effort on the packaging you’d think they’d keep the energy going for the main show of the pirating 😂
2024-11-29 09:18:31
pandaqueen :
omg I was about to order that in the orange app!
2024-12-01 06:39:29
TrippyCauli :
oh no i bought one off amazon, wrapped it and sent it to my sister ☹️i thought it was yours, i didn't recheck it
2024-11-29 17:30:34
Katie Prudence932 :
My mum bought me one, which appears to be the fake one you've just shown but mine was much more stocked than what you just opened. Did you remove things before filming?
2024-12-26 10:25:50
shaghik :
wait sorry I'm confused. doesnt the real advent calendar, the one you sell, also have Francesca written on the lid?
2024-11-30 06:31:25
Throne of Words :
Dammit, Now I don't know which one I have 😭
2024-11-28 21:08:10
greg :
Oh no I bought one of these but I don't know if it was the real one 🥺
2024-12-03 10:03:03
chikaishop :
Hey, are you aware that the fake one is being sold at a big supermarket chain (similar to Tesco) in Spain as well? The supermarket is Carrefour 😱
2024-12-09 12:31:26
claireu :
I've tried so hard to report the ones I bought. they offered me $10 . I'm so so disappointed and only glad I found out
2024-11-28 18:16:30
desireemeats :
I got mine of Amazon thinking it was the proper one and Amazon a safe site. I stand corrected! Next year straight from your site. Hope you have a great Christmas and haven’t lost too much business.
2024-11-29 07:51:28
Kmk :
I got the fake one 🥲🥲 i was soo disappointed when I opened the first box and it was a SPONGEBOB pen. It was all downhill from there
2024-12-02 21:08:34
Yomi 🪻 :
I have one too... but Stephanies one... I'm pretty sad 🥺 it was a gift from my mam
2024-12-06 07:03:50
Natasha Brandsgard :
It's so heart breaking to get a fake. Especially when you have had a horrible year already. 😭😭😭
2024-12-16 05:24:57
Noei‘s Corner :
I‘ve seen german websites advertising this too. Are they scams as well?
2024-11-30 19:17:22
moodyorange :
my mum accidentally bought the fake one😅 box is lovely but omg it was horrible
2024-12-30 11:31:30
darinhallam :
Yep I got the copy. Ugh.
2024-12-07 16:56:20
ada :
It’s like 17 US dollars, anybody buying it should expect contents like this
2024-11-29 17:35:59
Aure_cmr :
My friend just got one from her mom and we got so excited about it….. turns out it’s a fake one we’re so disappointed 😢 we opened a few boxes and were like 😳🙄
2024-11-28 21:29:34
princesssasiii :
I ordered the fake one without knowing about yours or that it’s fake. I didn’t expect much for the price of it (around 35€) so I wasn’t necessarily miffed bc I expected cheap items 😅
2024-12-27 14:33:40
Username :
Any chance you’ll have more stock of the advent calender?
2024-11-29 06:17:38
Beth :
My poor mum just sent me a counterfeit one as a surprise 🥺. I felt so, so awful having to tell her as she was so excited at her find! She can't find who she bought it from though 😞
2024-11-30 21:17:58
alicia dp :
Do you ship to South Africa?✨
2024-12-01 08:43:38
Shan Weerasiri :
Can you sue them? Do you have copyright?
2024-12-03 01:47:44
Clare Morse :
I had exactly the same. It’s absolutely rubbish. I am putting the whole lot in the bin lol.
2024-12-05 18:23:16
My brains busier than New York :
My grandmother got me this this year… 😭
2024-12-05 08:07:25
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