@sancheztheraccoon: Happy Friday! Why is Sanchez so relatable? 😂 Señor slept hard this week while the white one plotted her ambush, she let out a battle cry, slid under, and attacked. She disabled the surveillance to cover her tracks. Sanchez is happy to report that all preciouses are accounted for. *Raccoons are den animals, they choose to sleep in tight places. The pinned reel shows what he is sleeping in. He has an entire room and closet with larger drawers to sleep in but he chooses to sleep in this drawer because it is his den. He removes all pillows, towels, and cushions we place in there and he refuses to go to the chiropractor 😉 #sancheztheraccoon #lunatheraccoon #blonderaccoon #whiteraccoon #trashpanda #petraccoons #raccoon #raccoons #funnyanimals #cuteanimals #raccoonsoftiktok #raccoonpet #funnypets #cutepets #raccoonpets #pet #petraccoon #insomniac #funnyraccoons #PetsOfTikTok #spiritanimal #raccoon #pets #guardiansofthegalaxy #senorsanchez #ijustwanttosleep #sotired #sleep #relatable