@agarralapalaok: SUPER AHORRO COMPRANDO AFUERA #argentina #casta #cristina #milei #agarralapala

Agarrá La Pala
Agarrá La Pala
Open In TikTok:
Region: AR
Friday 29 November 2024 19:08:40 GMT




Facu :
Peabody, Yelmo. Etc
2024-12-02 18:53:13
Historias Notorias :
Podrias wxplucar si hay alguna ventaja politica de haber aba donado la Fih Limpia . Y si crees que reaparecera la
2024-12-01 17:59:19
Historias Notorias :
opcion en wl futuro. Estabamos entusiasmados
2024-12-01 17:59:45
Da Ro :
La importación genera cierres de empresas , desempleo. No sé dan cuenta que nunca podremos crecer como país. Tu hijo que egresa como técnico o ingeniero o .. No podrá trabajar porque no habrá empresas
2024-11-30 18:36:17
Mackario :
y no era que el mercado solo se regula .sin intervenir ?porque no bajan los impuestos para producir acá?
2024-11-29 21:02:34
gonza :
volve Cris por favor
2024-11-30 07:28:04
Xavier Salamanca Frickel :
ya me parecía raro que peabody sea industria nacional...Solo ponen el logo
2024-11-29 20:31:16
Lrojo2017 :
ja ja ja ahora la culpa la tienen los comercios?
2024-11-30 15:26:04
joseolivera403 :
esa es la industria nacional que pretenden defender?
2024-11-30 23:42:38
torresca claudio :
no piensas en el desempleo? la industria nacional existirá? la pobreza seguirá creciendo?
2024-12-01 04:27:04
racwowicz :
Querido si te pones a pensar el dinero le va a quedar al fabricante chino, a China, a Ali baba y al flete. A nuestro país nada. Boumerang de despidos en casas de electrodomésticos. Compra pero con un
2024-12-01 00:43:26
Nestor Luis Gomez :
en unos días aumenta la nafta no dises nada de ese robo
2024-11-29 19:48:16
acá te equivocas... los comercios locales no roban... buscan la mayor rentabilidad... cualquier empresario hace eso. Coincido que todo se va a regular... pero.son las reglas de hoy día.
2024-11-29 19:35:59
Julieta Analia :
compras un led de 42 y te llega 100 de paleta 😂😂😂😂
2024-11-29 19:50:01
horacio :
todo por dos pesos pibe ya vivimos esto y los de arriba roban saludos
2024-11-29 20:12:23
cheloko779 :
lo que hace Milei con sus influencers. hoy subió la nafta y la carne el 12 % no la ven.este hablando del euro
2024-12-01 00:27:42
NarigonForro :
alibaba es para mayorista ese precio es comprando mas de 100 unidades, aparte de eso semale la garantía,y si se te rompe en el viaje quien te cubre???
2024-11-29 20:21:47
user6772492414003 :
pregunta y para cuando también con las empresas de telefonía y internet q también son abusivos con los precios
2024-11-30 17:12:36
petty :
los comerciantes aumentan como quieren alguien debe controlar eso
2024-12-01 03:38:46
Charly :
debería haber un control de precios,porque la viveza argentina no tiene precio ja
2024-11-30 14:43:41
para que se deen una idea,comprar un lavarropas de ESPAÑA, conviene pedir de allí,pagar impuestos el vuelo y lo recibís en tu casa y sobra plata,😳
2024-11-29 20:40:17
Picardiasindumentariainfantil :
si no bajan impuestos no se puede compartir
2024-11-29 19:23:22
Ariel Di Leonardi :
Algunos hablan de garantía yo compre una minipimer de marca reconocida llegue a mi casa hice un licuado y largo olor a quemado hace 3 meses que la tiene la garantía 😫😫
2024-11-29 21:23:42
nahuelxeneize2 :
sumamente el envío igual así es muy barato
2024-12-01 13:20:21
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There were so many things I was curious if I could do after having surgery, one of those being if I could get a massage! As a new ostomate, it seemed questionable at the time because I was concerned about laying on my stomach while my bag filled up, and I worried about there being too much pressure or pushing on my back opposite of my stoma. The good news is that YES! You can get a massage with an ostomy, and here are a few tips to make it that much easier: -Be mindful of how much you’re eating before your massage appointment. I will usually have a light breakfast in the morning before an appointment but don’t want to eat too much in order to prevent my bag from filling up while laying on my stomach. -Change your bag before your appointment! I like to do this just to ensure that I have the best seal possible. I love and regularly wear @convatecus moldable wafers because they are gentle on my skin, get the best fit around my stoma, and turtleneck when moisture hits to best prevent leaks (not to mention I always get the best wafer seal!) -Talk to your massage therapist beforehand. If you have any concerns, let them know! As a rule of thumb, I always tell them I have an ostomy just so they are aware of my abdomen and conscientious of positioning.  -Wear what makes you comfortable. I chose to wear some of my favorite @ostomysecrets undies because I knew they would support my ostomy and help me feel confident. These panties are designed for ostomates and have a little pouch inside that my bag can slide into and sit, leaving it supported and concealed, giving me peace of mind. If you’re an ostomate and have been considering a massage, go for it! It’s important to take care of your stoma, but also your whole self – mind included. Enjoy, and let me know your experience! Follow the Ostomysecrets link in my bio and use code MEGHAN for 25% off – unlimited code uses! #convatec #convatecus #forevercaring  #ostomysecrets #ostomy #ostomybag #ostomyawareness #ostomylife #ostomylifehack #ostomate #stoma #stomabag #ostomypositivity #ileostomy #ileostomybag #fyp #ostomybaglife #ostomatesoftiktok #ostomates #nurses @Convatec
There were so many things I was curious if I could do after having surgery, one of those being if I could get a massage! As a new ostomate, it seemed questionable at the time because I was concerned about laying on my stomach while my bag filled up, and I worried about there being too much pressure or pushing on my back opposite of my stoma. The good news is that YES! You can get a massage with an ostomy, and here are a few tips to make it that much easier: -Be mindful of how much you’re eating before your massage appointment. I will usually have a light breakfast in the morning before an appointment but don’t want to eat too much in order to prevent my bag from filling up while laying on my stomach. -Change your bag before your appointment! I like to do this just to ensure that I have the best seal possible. I love and regularly wear @convatecus moldable wafers because they are gentle on my skin, get the best fit around my stoma, and turtleneck when moisture hits to best prevent leaks (not to mention I always get the best wafer seal!) -Talk to your massage therapist beforehand. If you have any concerns, let them know! As a rule of thumb, I always tell them I have an ostomy just so they are aware of my abdomen and conscientious of positioning. -Wear what makes you comfortable. I chose to wear some of my favorite @ostomysecrets undies because I knew they would support my ostomy and help me feel confident. These panties are designed for ostomates and have a little pouch inside that my bag can slide into and sit, leaving it supported and concealed, giving me peace of mind. If you’re an ostomate and have been considering a massage, go for it! It’s important to take care of your stoma, but also your whole self – mind included. Enjoy, and let me know your experience! Follow the Ostomysecrets link in my bio and use code MEGHAN for 25% off – unlimited code uses! #convatec #convatecus #forevercaring #ostomysecrets #ostomy #ostomybag #ostomyawareness #ostomylife #ostomylifehack #ostomate #stoma #stomabag #ostomypositivity #ileostomy #ileostomybag #fyp #ostomybaglife #ostomatesoftiktok #ostomates #nurses @Convatec
