From the time you have to pay for grants know that is failure.
2024-12-01 14:48:25
la.melsbeauty47 :
Y should you even have to pay to register if it’s about helping people hmm
2024-12-01 02:37:30
crackshotlar :
u pay 200 hundred for grant🙃
2024-12-02 06:55:56
D S :
The joke with them is I made a video for them when I went to register in macoyea and they said I’ll be on the top of the list l still waiting on a call
2024-12-01 11:19:32
霭 (ǎi)萤 (yíng) :
yip that whole thing is a scam bout she for d ppl if u for d ppl y yuh charging dem for "so called grants dats y she will never b in power great is d pnm.
2024-12-01 13:24:36
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