As a Latina, born n raised in Miami. Who’s dealt w racist republican self hating Cubans her whole life. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE 50% of Miami get their hating ass deported 😂🤡
2024-12-02 07:38:36
NessaBoBessa💙💜🇺🇸🇺🇦 :
The Cubans deserve what is coming. They thought the are all high and mighty and untouchable.
2024-12-02 01:30:23
mikesloan1957 :
Show your proof, undocumented speech isn’t proof.
2025-03-18 07:35:58
Sad Truth :
I hope Trump gives out referral fees because I'm calling ICE on anyone with an accent!
2024-12-01 22:06:33
Giann787 :
The Cubans helped Trump win!!!
2024-12-02 00:45:20
brounsugababi💙 :
Ain’t no way I would have voted against myself AFTER being told what would happen to me and my family if I did.
2025-01-22 00:38:01
👑Tasha :
Its the Cubans. They did that. So, give ICE a call and let em know where they are so they can get a jump on their travel 🤣
2024-12-01 16:32:52
Carma_Kredit :
So am in too deep if I say how close he’s been with Elon and how recently Elon just debuted self driving buses with humonoid robots and that’s how they plan to make up for the labor shortage ?
2025-03-07 23:19:15
Mama-D :
Sir you so right about the jobs, they expect a certain type of people to work in the field picking veggies & fruits etc …I guess the owners will have to do it.
2025-01-07 09:00:12
Trumptrain0077 :
Trump Trump Trump Trump, send them all back, MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA
2024-12-01 17:30:00
Carolina1973 :
Bye bye Cubans
2024-12-02 03:46:20
OcanoUmBow :
Good send them home. Our tax dollars are going towards educating illegals.. no thanks it America first.
2024-12-12 09:50:00
GenXPeaches🫦 :
What about California, Arizona, and Texas?
2024-12-09 02:15:08
candie216 :
It’s gonna be as easy as a lot of people think no! All that his gonna try to do coast lots and lots of money who you think it’s gonna pay for all this🥺
2024-12-15 01:34:10
evajichxthi💙 :
Good! Hope they wear their maganut caps, shirts and flags when ICE lines them up
2025-01-09 03:37:16
45goingtojail :
I'm an American born Cuban and i can't wait to see all those Maga Cubans getting deported and crying " But i voted for Trump". 😂😅😂😅😂😅
2024-12-23 04:38:33
Alex Chilton Ⓐ :
Miami Cubans = gusanos
2024-12-05 06:30:45
user5252765377555 :
Thanks for your platform and knowledge
2024-12-01 23:11:54
rakkasan19 :
Every country deports foreigners either by crossing borders without documentation presented to that country or overstayed their visa. Latinos are not above the law.
2024-12-08 09:05:35
Nettie McC :
As I watched, I couldn't help but notice how calm you are. I'm guessing you are very kind & are the kind of person that steps in to calm tense situations ❤️Such kind eyes
2024-12-12 18:57:48
user2189043614378 :
Cubanos for trompeta Adios”👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
2024-12-07 16:24:39
Lonnie B :
I truly hate to say this but I am so mad that these immigrants and other Americans are being treated so very poorly as if they don't matter and ripping there's families apart🤔
2025-02-21 12:02:22
Talt_WriteNow 🇦🇺🇳🇿 :
This is a great breakdown. Thank you.
2024-12-02 21:35:22
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