@coach.bluee: Everything in my live got to the next level after… I realized and actually internalized, that I had to carry my own weight. Growing up without a father or mother presence wounded me deeply. And I developed my own views of the world that most times did me more harm than good. I developed an internal resentful energy that held me back from my fullest potential and what God had planned for me. Not too long ago I grew wiser. Even though my past caused me a lot of trauma and resentment towards the world. I decided that it doesn’t define any of the actions that I take from this moment on. So I told myself I was responsible for everything that happened to me, is happening to me on a daily, and will still happen. Every problem that I face in my relationships and business that literally freezes me because my internal beliefs about myself, I decide to absolutely dominate those moments in the most righteous way possible. And with things that holds me back because I just don’t know how to do them. I decide that I owed myself to figure it out no matter how long it took. It’s okay that sometimes I’m a little slower at developing the skills that I need. But I will not quit. I will do it until the job is finished. One task at a time. I told myself. I can’t handle more than one thing. All I can do is to do the best I can with this one task at hand right now. I’ve learned this from the book: “How to stop worrying and start living” -Dale Carnegie Everything is flowing now. Follow my journey here and I promise to be as truthful and honest about the good and the bad that I experience in my life and how I am overcoming them. #youoweyou #selfdevelopment #Running #fitnessmotivation