@247.mp4: Antwort auf @lumixusa Color Grade Tutorial (Premiere Pro) 🎨🖌 Here's how you can sinply archive this cinematic color grade within Premiere Pro 👇🏽 1️⃣ Shoot LOG: Its important to shoot in your Cameras LOG-Color Profile! That way we have to most flexibility in post. I used my @LUMIX USA V-LOG. 2️⃣ LOG to Rec.709: Use the LOG Conversion Lut from your Camera Manufacturer to get it into our working color space: Rec.709. 3️⃣ White Balance: Minor Adjustments to White Balance helped to give the shot more warmth. 4️⃣ Curves: A slight "S"-Curve helps to create better contrast. 5️⃣ Hue vs Hue: The leaves in the Background are to Orange and also too bright. Thats why we're using the Hue-vs-Hue to shift the color of the leaves in the background to a darker green. Also creating more color separation to our foreground model. 6️⃣ Color Wheels: Introduce some blue into the shadows by just using the first shadow wheel and push it towards blue. 7️⃣ HSL: This one rounds everything up! Select the color of the skin to further adjust it and separate it from the background. Move the wheel towards orange & by also lowering the brightness we can create a nice teint. 8️⃣ Vignette: Finally a slight Vignette will help focus more on the model. #videography #inspiration #filmmaking #colorgrading #colorcorrection #cinematiclook #premierepro