I'm a court reporter and I get the "I pay your salary" ALL the time. I'm like I also pay part of my own salary 😂. how about that.
2024-12-01 17:33:17
Ms.V :
You do a great job explaining. Something people also don’t realize is how many children have 504’s but can qualify for Gifted. I was considered “double exceptional” in high school and other students
2024-12-01 16:48:57
AmyMG :
Do the gifted students go to your class when the other students have music, art, or library? What are they missing in their regular class while they are in your class?
2024-12-01 22:09:23
Ellehcim :
You forgot the parent who wants to tell you about their child “who just missed being identified being gifted by ONE point”
2024-12-01 18:14:10
Rose Romola :
my gifts ran out when I started highschool school, I burnt out way early and had no support because the people who were looking over me didn't care and I was in no position to advocate for myself
2024-12-01 17:03:53
Bec Ca :
I’m a substitute teacher and I’m taking my first sub job for gifted ed. They call it teacher of the neurodiverse. Any tips on how to make the day positive for the kids? 8th grade
2024-12-04 16:49:44
notabiscuit :
I hear “ my kid got in but we didn’t want her to do it.” Like I don’t see every single test score 🙄
2024-12-02 00:38:28
Stefizzle :
When i was in local govt, my pat answer to that question was "So do I."
2024-12-02 13:46:09
slj9151619 :
my daughter was tested for gifted and scored 20 points below the line. my ex was madder about it then she ever was. lol
2024-12-03 02:57:46
rgrind 🧡 :
haha! my gifted friends and i are all living proof that it’s not a predictor of success in life.
2024-12-18 18:13:28
Leapdavewilliam :
Gifted education😭qhat even is that
2024-12-01 17:49:17
HeatherG :
I get the “they should change the name of that program” comment a lot in conversation…. I get it, but what the heck to?
2024-12-01 16:49:33
HippieTrekkie :
My husband was in gifted in the late 80s early 90s and he hated it. The teacher even picked on the gifted kids. It was horrible. Definitely not what it is now.
2024-12-01 16:49:06
Betina :
I always say "oh my Mama taught for 38 years before retiring!" and change the subject lol teachers don't wanna talk about teaching 24/7 😂
2024-12-02 02:22:43
courtney :
I am SO thankful that my family is either teachers, or knows to shut their mouths around the teachers.
2024-12-01 16:47:22
Ms.V :
Would get so confused how I could have learning challenges but also be in AP classes. It’s crazy how kids brains work.
2024-12-01 16:49:24
dontjustsurvivethrive :
I was in gifted ed and am now unemployed, mentally ill and recovering from f3nt addiction so yeah it’s really not correlated ♥️
2024-12-06 02:16:24
Kamal Singh :
2024-12-04 03:05:01
Justscrolling :
I don’t think people realize the pennies of their taxes that go to public education lol… like how much did you pay in? Then what was your refund?? Yea take allllll the public services and divide them
2024-12-02 03:22:04
✝️Maklaine 🫣 :
I wish my school had gifted education,I was told many times that I needed to be in a gifted class but my small school of 450 students prek-8 doesn't have anything like that
2024-12-01 22:15:19
andtonic :
Can you come teach at my kids school? It’s Athens so not far!
2024-12-01 22:15:05
Alicia Blair7451 :
My gifted child has struggled. Ppl do not understand gifted children.
2024-12-01 22:11:47
6hlgs :
2024-12-01 21:32:54
Laura :
These are some great ideas to steer conversation in a different way. Love it
2024-12-01 19:14:27
{ Not So Shy } :
lol my son is in the gifted program and my daughter isn’t my husband was in it I wasn’t I can’t believe it bothers people 😂
2024-12-01 19:04:29
sleepy :
I had undiagnosed adhd and thought way too fast for my regular classroom. Tg for the gifted classes for giving me more to chew on growing uo
2024-12-01 17:59:56
indy_hannahh :
Literally my life 🙃
2024-12-01 20:00:05
_grin_ :
I was in Gifted ed. I'm definitely not successful.
2024-12-01 19:45:55
Sally Montes de Oca :
2024-12-01 19:41:35
Katie :
they should’ve told us growing up that we were all just neurodivergent- that would’ve saved me a lot of stress and research 😂😂
2024-12-01 19:29:49
Rayna :
these are great and knowing you very well have had these actual conversations is even funnier 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ty for all you do!
2024-12-01 19:24:25
Jenn :
I think you have the patience of a saint, we love Ms Chang!
2024-12-01 19:23:32
Rachel Davis :
2024-12-01 19:14:19
Madeline :
The worst is when I engage and bring up politics and they get annoyed I brought up politics as if education is separate from government
2024-12-01 19:08:23
Pnut :
When we go places- I tell the husband they get 2 out of pocket statements/questions then gloves off & I’m going 100 honest :)
2024-12-01 18:55:48
robertbones1 :
Do you ever find that the regular Ed teacher treats the gifted student poorly because they leave to come and see you?
2024-12-01 18:31:05
tarateacher4 :
I felt this deep in my soul.
2024-12-01 18:13:42
🐅🐅Chinadoll 🐅🐅 :
Something I wondered Ms. Chang.. were you a lifted child???
2024-12-01 17:54:02
cwtchwitch :
my husband is a paramedic and people say *unhinged* things to him in what they think is casual conversation
2024-12-01 17:52:34
Nancy Evenson :
I would share how the world was going hell in hand basket and it starts with our children. People walked away.
2024-12-01 17:25:47
Alli :
Please tell me people don’t actually say this stuff to you at parties!!! 😳
2024-12-01 17:12:03
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