@alexanderang81: “只有那些敢于相信自己能改变世界的人,最终才能真的改变世界。没有到最后你怎么知道你不行!”马斯克的一句话道出了真谛。当你发现时间不够用的时候,说明你正全力以赴追逐梦想,离成功也越来越近了!作为父母,从小要教育孩子:既可以独立思考,也能尊重规则,但最重要的是,成为一个对社会有价值的人! #正确引导 #思维成长 #创业必读 #马斯克智慧 “Only those who dare to believe they can change the world are the ones who ultimately do. How can you be sure you can’t succeed if you don’t see it through to the end?” Elon Musk’s words capture the essence of determination. When you feel like there’s never enough time, it means you’re giving your all to pursue your dreams—and you’re getting closer to success! As parents, we must teach our children from an early age to think independently while respecting rules. Most importantly, guide them to become individuals who contribute value to society. #RightGuidance #MindsetGrowth #EntrepreneurshipEssentials #MuskWisdom