@davonwoodsfc: Doing what we do have never been done before ✊🏽 We lost too many kids due to the foster care system and we wanted to use our voice to be a voice for the voiceless. So many talk about wanting to make a difference but we literally got out here and did it. Today is Day #2 we will be knocking out 20 miles today walking on HWY 401 towards Florence SC. We walk in honor of everyone that was apart of the system even the workers and foster parents. All we ask is for you’ll to follow us and cheer us on for the journey. Also we need a few people from here to Philadelphia PA to have our location in case we need help or have to get anything. Share and tag everyone!! #walkingwithtwingangg #31daytrek #fosterkidsmatter #hoka #twingangg #day2 @HOKA