@daniellems17: BLW| Building the IKEA High Chair! As a mom of 2 & occupational therapist heres why I ditched the $$$ high chairs for this $20 highchair PROS: 1) price 2) easy to clean 3) add on-affordable accessories for safe eatting 4) rows with baby! remove the tray and slide it right up to your dinning room table 5) 90-90-90 approved! CONS: 1) the tray can be tricky to remove 2) some don’t like how much the legs stick out (doesn’t bother me) What highchair are you using with your baby and is it worth the $$$? #ikeahighchair #babyhighchair #babymusthaves #blw #babytok #antilophighchair #startingsolids #solidstarts #occupationaltherapy #babyledweaning #momof2 #MomsofTikTok