@jb_copeland: There is a fine line between healing & self-loathing. It’s easy to fall into it. I know have. Even recently. But I’m not doing that anymore. It is good to feel and it’s good to grieve and it’s good to hold space. But it has to be met with inner tranquility and confidence. Sometimes we feel like “we gotta do more work to get better” when in reality life is waiting for us to live and we’re too busy picking apart every little thing that has wounded us. Do you want to live life or do you want to wallow in victimhood. We aren’t victims. Let’s evolve. Let’s be confident. Let’s just be ourselves. People can f*** right off if they don’t like it. And it’s time for us to stop being scared of the power that we wield. Let that s*** rip! It’s time to live and realize how cool we are, while at the same time process. We can do both.