@hatsunenendoridmiku: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K FOLLOWERS!!!AHH I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WILL NEVER STOP MY MIKU RITUALS!!I LOVE MIKU!I LOVE MIKU SO MUCH!!MIKU MY GIRLL!!!I LOVE YOU MIKU!!!MIKU MIKU I LOVE MIKU!!MIKU MIKU I LOVE MIKU !!MIKU DAYOO MIKU DAYOOO NIKU I LOVE YOU!!MIKU MIKU BEAM!!!I LOVE MIKU!!!MIKU MIKU MIKU..MIKU RITUALS!(probably the last rituals sińce this gacha is ending but i will COME back on the sanrio one so stay TUNED!!) another miku gacha FAILED.🥲(failed bc i didnt get the one from the banner *cries*)ILL SEE YIU GUYS SOOON!!#mikurituals #hatsunemiku