@yayayayoung: Now THIS is a sheet mask 💪🏻 Sheet masks claim a LOT of these. They say they will help with this and that but THAT'S ALL EXTRAS. The ONLY thing I care about in a sheet mask is how beautifully moisturized my skin is afterwards, the fit of the mask itself on my face (some masks fit SO bad lol), and the PRICE. This LAPCOS mask is absolute 🔥 for me and I bought myself four more 5 packs because these are that legit fantastic. ALSO, I love how the essence/serum inside isn't like SUPER watery, but it's like a snail like slimy consistency so you won't have a drippy messy 😌 I MEAN LOOK HOW GLOWY MY FACE IS AFTER JAYSSSSUS. #sheetmask #mask #skincare