@timmchiusano: a dm from a good human named Will said, “i am fascinated by your corporate stories and anecdotes from experiences in corporate america, but i’m more intrigued with how you coped and dealt with them.” It's a brilliant topic that I will happily dive into, and it starts with trying to avoid getting on an emotional roller coaster every day from email to email or meeting to meeting your career is a career, it is not just one season and it is defintely not just one at-bat so be more kind to yourself in any given moment
wondering if you can chat about how you found joy at work, particularly in difficult times.
2024-12-03 17:59:39
Brittany Lamont :
I wish I had a leader like you early in my career. It takes so long to learn these things. Now I try to lead my team with compassion and purpose.
2024-12-03 17:51:14
asd12314 :
Love this. Though I tend to fall on the FOMO side of emotions - like I’m missing out if I’m not there.
2024-12-03 18:41:44
Rebecca Cramer :
Dangit Tim. Very timely, really needed this messaging today 🤘
2024-12-03 23:07:37
Bridget Alexis :
Your videos remind me to breathe. It’s okay. I’m doing okay. All is well
2024-12-03 17:55:33
user9277080756404 :
The roller coaster thing hit the nail on the head!! Omg! Needed this!!
2024-12-03 20:48:03
mavedatthews :
Sage wisdom 🙌🏼
2024-12-03 23:12:29
Ryan Reynolds447 :
Totally needed this today. Thanks Tim ❤️
2024-12-03 22:52:43
Blake Zaccagnino :
Love it, Tim I needed this one. I struggle with this big time
2024-12-03 23:29:45
@lilmistydiaz :
I’m going to show my husband. His job is just wearing on him and he has Crohn’s disease. He’s gone by 8 AM and he’s not home until if I’m lucky 8 PM Monday through Friday by the weekend he’s..
2024-12-04 02:56:27
Blue five leader :
Well said, I struggle with this daily, I only focus on the right now and I do not give myself the credit for all of the accomplishments and how I feel
2024-12-04 00:47:16
maddie1957.7 :
So true
2025-02-28 19:03:50
Sarah Harper Scott :
It was one thing when quarters were great and not great. Then months had a swing. Now it’s week to week or even day to day. Huge highs then bottom of barrel. Exhausting.
2024-12-05 14:23:56
Jessica :
Thank you for this, it came at the exact right time for me. 💕
2024-12-04 07:07:02
hellothisisemilie :
Thank you for this 🫶
2024-12-04 15:06:49
J :
Thank you. Just got out of a death spiral of negative thoughts
2024-12-04 05:10:09
If this is your real voice, I love it. It’s much more relatable than your other videos.
2024-12-05 05:49:48
Suzie | Plus Size Style :
Thank you, I needed this
2024-12-04 23:21:47
RachelMD84 :
Love this
2024-12-03 23:50:55
kushrdoshi :
Great message Tim. Needed to hear this 😁
2024-12-03 18:50:34
JET5.0 :
The way my stress spot is boiling right now because of an intense project. The roller coaster is sooooo …… *sigh*
2024-12-03 18:11:33
Briana Sanchez :
I had a horrible day at work. Then this popped up in my feed. Thank you 🤍
2024-12-04 00:52:51
Ashley Craven-John22 :
I’m currently struggling with LOVING my job and ALL my coworkers, EXCEPT my direct manager. 😩
2024-12-03 19:13:48
Nicole Dawn 🇨🇦 :
Totally needed that ! Work is a heavy toxic environment.
2024-12-03 23:38:33
Katie Doyle :
Love this topic! Working from home makes it even harder to separate work and self
2024-12-03 22:50:55
Codi :
Oh this is absolutely lovely. Thank you. It has taken me a long time to realize that other people’s approaches do not reflect me.
2024-12-03 22:15:27
Sharon L180 :
So needed this today. Thank you
2024-12-03 18:12:12
mygrandmasaysyoureabitch :
I needed this today
2024-12-04 02:26:36
Abby Taylor :
Thank you. I needed this today!
2024-12-03 18:43:37
Caoimhe McCrystall :
I needed this today
2024-12-04 21:00:06
Refs Need Love Too :
It’s so American to allow our jobs to define us. We are so much more than that.👍
2024-12-03 18:03:31
Lance Manion :
It’s a sneaky ptsd creator
2024-12-03 17:55:27
lark :
"don't let someone's tone" ..... shoot..... ah dang..... I'm reeeaaaaal bad at that one
2024-12-04 04:33:36
meleenah :
Somedays I wake up and feel like I can’t breathe, like I’ll never have anything good again and it’s all my fault. I wish my work was more nurturing for my future self.
2024-12-03 18:35:18
i love you so :
Needed this today
2024-12-03 21:54:45
Connor Cajigal :
I wish I heard this awhile ago, great advice as always.
2024-12-03 21:34:14
Jen Rabulan-Bertram :
Thank you for this, Timm. I need to hear this. I’ve spent a lot of time stressing, crying and grieving over a job that I truly love due to the way a superior treats me.
2024-12-03 19:52:05
Random person :
Your videos always come at a perfect time ✨
2024-12-03 17:02:16
zizi :
Timm, seeing the forest through the trees is so so hard.
2024-12-12 13:13:58
Colbz :
I needed to hear this. Thank you
2024-12-08 12:34:03
Michael Barber :
I’m loving how we’re getting a little preview of the book one chapter/TikTok at a time 🙏👏
2024-12-08 12:12:17
fdhdfh :
It’s killing me.
2024-12-07 03:24:28
bgooch :
Man…I didnt realize I needed to hear this today, but I did. Thank You
2024-12-06 16:17:15
margaretk355 :
This was one of the most impactful posts for me that you’ve ever shared - and the timing is incredible - thank you so much
2024-12-06 05:13:00
MissGetOutside :
Now add 100 kids that you think about on top of colleagues. Give the teachers in your life a hug, we could use it.
2024-12-05 15:41:16
emily marie :
I love all of your content will never skip a video 🔥
2024-12-05 14:56:46
Brittany Bradley :
Love you for this! Well for many reasons . But thank you
2024-12-05 06:30:29
Heather Wandless :
I left teaching this past year, and not only did you give me courage to do that, but you continue to inspire me through this exciting but difficult transition into a new career and life. Thank you ♥️
2024-12-05 01:09:53
MSmith6666 :
You said what I always say: You can’t control the things that happen, but you can control how you react to them.
2024-12-05 00:58:13
Michelle Lynn 🇨🇦 :
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I needed to hear this.
2024-12-04 20:32:14
Justinand Jaime Pence :
This is such good advice. I struggled with someone’s tone affecting how I felt about myself as an employee and I’ve learned not to accept
2024-12-04 18:38:32
Zoe Garcia Grubbe :
Love your content! 27 years in corporate America (advertising as well) and all of this is so true.
2024-12-04 16:37:22
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕞𝕪𝔹𝟞𝟘𝟛 :
Your messages always find me at the right time. Thanks for the knowledge and insight and keep up the great work! Here's to giving myself grace and owning what's between my ears
2024-12-04 15:21:10
Aileen Joa :
Thank you 🙏🏽
2024-12-04 13:08:26
Jessica Todd :
Thank you for this.
2024-12-04 11:37:04
The Remote Medic :
Holy cow, Timm. 🥺 I needed that.
2024-12-04 11:19:52
To see more videos from user @timmchiusano, please go to the Tikwm