@rayasxs: — #REDFLAGS || i want to clarify some things. I may edit red flags (because of the way they look), but I don’t like/support their actions. I do not support the things they do I might find the characters design nice but I will never accept the things they’ve done even if its fictional, its still written by a human so I do not support red flags and their actions just because i edit them. [ib ; @✧˚ · . ] Tags/names; #concealment #concealmentmanhwa #nonzerosum #nonzerosummanhwa #jinx #jinxmanhwa #codenameanastasia #codenameanastasiamanhwa #painterofthenight #painterofthenightmanhwa #passion #passionmanhwa #pearlboy #pearlboymanhwa #rosesandchampagne #rosesandchampagnemanhwa