My husband was just denied a wheelchair by UHC. It is a covered expense but they say his neurological condition doesn’t qualify. He has ALS and his neurons are all dying. I have no empathy left over.
2024-12-05 11:04:24
bowl of ramen :
It can be fixed. Billionaire Assassination Challenge
2024-12-05 03:45:50
The Collective :
Thoughts and deductibles to the family. Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network
2024-12-04 23:25:31
jstme :
I have 7 denials for PET scans in the past 10 days from UHC. I smiled when I read the news this morning
2024-12-04 23:40:11
Sage :
It’s so sad. There are other ways to protest. One man should not bear all that hate especially after losing his life.
2024-12-05 00:56:34
brett9868 :
We’re all tired. As a provider, I spend too much time trying to beg companies for giving patients what they need…. And the same for my own family.
2024-12-05 03:29:40
Mal :
Who broke it? People like that CEO. Not us regular folks. We don’t have any power. But we can celebrate the demise of these people.
2024-12-04 22:37:28
VeryNiceOG :
As someone who was a medical billet and worked on Authorizations for care. The Insurance companies did not care about how badly these clients needed help. I hated telling them they were denied meds.
2024-12-04 23:18:48
c_alesee :
My dad has to pay almost $1000 a month for insulin. If he doesn’t he will die. Screw that guy
2024-12-05 00:32:53
1000pieces :
It’s terrible!! Even just texting with my coworkers. I had to be like whoa guys this man didn’t deserve to die!
2024-12-04 23:44:52
The comments don't surprise me at all. I had to fight with the insurance company over 6 months to pay for an MRI. I can't imagine how a person feels when they can't get their meds.
2024-12-05 19:18:48
rachelleromain8 :
I'm in the UK And shocked at a lot of the comments this man God rest his soul is someone's son loved one friend, society is messed up
2024-12-06 22:04:21
London 🛹 :
Prayers and thoughts for this poor man and his family. I hope he keeps safe and warm during his escape.
2024-12-05 19:30:05
msfaith1720 :
I understand that people are tired of the system, but the comments are atrocious and we all need a heart check cause that was someone’s husband, father son grandson and it’s appalling
2024-12-09 23:06:41
Rapunzel 1990 :
Here in Germany we pay less for more. even if we sometimes have to wait longer for a specialist, we can get the things we need for survival quickly.
💔I am horrified by the situation in the US
2025-01-18 08:13:47
Anna Powell :
Society is not broken. The insurance and health care systems are broken. People are suffering and dying for profits.
2024-12-04 23:32:48
Pizza House :
I mean you should block CNN tiktok account on here they’re garbage as well
2024-12-05 07:07:05
✰ 𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕒 ✰ :
It's not just the CNN page. Every single post about the CEO has the same type of comments. And I agree with them!
2024-12-04 23:09:17
thatssofresa :
CNN and MSNBC comment sections have had me rolling all day! 😂😂😂
2024-12-04 23:16:58
Linds_Lea :
United healthcare denies certain radiation treatments that would reduce side effects for dying people. The rational “criteria not met, patient is palliative.” That’s really what’s broken.
2024-12-04 22:12:26
ML :
Of course why should we care? where was CNN caring about the Congo or Palestine...huh but when a Zionist gets what was coming for them then the whole world should care huh🤔 pff[pride] same
2024-12-05 12:35:12
Always_Her_Queen :
the comments are definitely commenting
2024-12-06 20:59:37
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