Is there a history of SSRI or other psych med use?
2024-12-06 03:09:44
Ryan Hood :
Your cute, find your self a real man who will love you and meet all your needs
2024-12-06 03:45:40
unimpressed.gemini :
girl….. you’re stronger than me
2024-12-11 14:51:45
user9690411041490 :
How much did you push forward?
2024-12-06 08:56:08
MJ :
I’d be thinking the whole time there was something wrong with me 😂😂
2024-12-06 03:16:15
amorcto68 :
Is he doing the surgery to “transition”?
2024-12-09 03:35:57
DollyB :
I just listened/watched your story. It’s horrific what you are going through. How are your kids?
2024-12-06 19:34:19
krisf :
you really start to think its you and they also make you feel its your issue
2024-12-08 16:33:40
mikedenio2 :
I just watched your videos. I thought it was rock bottom when my wife passed away. But you have to still co-parent with this person. You arr a super strong person!!
2024-12-06 23:59:04
💗christiann78💗Nana to 13 :
2024-12-11 05:34:04
user4463217616310 :
2024-12-11 04:21:24
BDIDDY3333 :
2024-12-06 13:47:05
mlh00000 :
Just binge-watched your erin posts. Really feel for you & kids. You seem self-aware & you’re clearly a very attractive young woman - hope you’re able to move on romantically soon.
2024-12-07 14:11:28
ordinary_ellen :
There are ace ppl on dating apps, looking for fellow aces. It may be she only wants sexuality for self pleasuring. One hope she’s being honest with dating partners about that.
2024-12-06 03:28:36
iven_7 :
Your correct they are not ace but something else entirely. Also sorry for the dmg they did to you with the whole sex thing vs just being honest so you can move on you didn’t need that kind of scare
2024-12-06 03:14:55
user2639132776708 :
…but previously you indicated you were inactive during your intimate interactions with your “husband”.
2024-12-06 14:30:17
Desertrat73 :
You claim to be heterosexual yet you were in a gay marriage? I don’t think you know what the hell you’re talking about. No wonder why the lesbian divorce rate is so high. It’s the highest demograph
2024-12-06 12:58:25
Mark :
you picked a winner! but i bet he was TALL
2024-12-06 08:36:05
codexnexus :
She sounds like a very complicated person and also very self centered - there was no need to unload this particular information on you, really….you, on the other hand,are real and cool and beautiful.
2024-12-07 11:42:08
India Sabree Harris :
Sounds like She is gay and ashamed and or confused.
2024-12-06 09:50:01
kittiesinredwoods :
I hope you have detached from him. And have gone to therapy. Seriously! Best wishes to you. Your ex has many issues and you don’t need to be a part of that.
2024-12-06 19:34:05
Foshizzle :
Gah!! Quit with the pronoun insanity.
2024-12-06 11:53:15
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