@6siara: My nanny G is a G. I wish she was my age so we could get it active like that quick in ends😂😂😂 . Nanny has been feeling so poorly recently and has been refusing to go to the hospital so I decided there’s only one way I’m going to get this woman out of the house to go get a health checkup so then I decided to tell her that I have gotten into a altercation with some people in the local shop, so she’s quickly said okay I’m coming in the middle of the night and She’s ran out the house without a scarf and she’s jumped in the car and she’s like hurry up. Let’s go who is it? How dare they? LOL?? So I’m driving. I’m driving. What shop? What are you doing out here so far ANYWAYY?i goes Nan we’re going to the hospital you’re really ill and I’m not having it anymore. Were goin to get you checked! ##ineedthat##gangstergranny##stubborn