@danniebella: Loosing her in a car crash i woke up and wished it was a dream it still haunts me. One day she was here the next she was gone at 2am. My friend was gone forever at 36 years old. I’ll never comprehend it. She loved to dance. She fixed problems at work. She fixed basically everything. 2022 was the hardest year. Friendship is so important to me. Letting go can scare me more. ##2022##greysanatomy##thedogdaysareover##danceitout##danceitoutwithme##danceitoutchallenge##clubs##Friendship##friendshipgoals##lesbiansoftiktokover40🏳️🌈##lesbiansoftiktok🏳️🌈❤️🌈##lesbiansover50🌈❤️##hugs##forever##dance##actingsilly##dancingtofeelbetter##problemsolver##boston##friendsforever💚🕊️🏳️🌈🤝##dove##passing##carcrash##neverletgo##memories##staystrong