@_journeystartshere: stop comparing your timeline to a world that doesnt exist anymore. #therapy #therapist #healing #millenialsoftiktok #MentalHealth
No i feel behind because my friends are doing all those things and im not lol
2024-12-09 14:50:38
🐈⬛✨🌙🔮 :
Yep and add in for some of us who had abusive/neglectful parents we had to spend our 20s reparenting ourselves
2024-12-09 18:15:38
Titus :
Well I don’t wanna find a new way through this SUCKS 🫠
2024-12-09 14:38:49
Burnthisflame :
Agreed, except somehow all my close friends still managed to hit the major milestones, even if it took them longer. Definitely hard to be the last single friend and not compare to them 😮💨
2024-12-10 00:22:51
Nicole B :
Still sucks being almost 36 with no marriage or kids and wondering if I’ll own a house, trying not to feel like I made the wrong choices
2024-12-10 05:16:37
Tori :
This! I’m 30, no house. Yet, so many of my peers (who are from wealthier families) got homes years before me. I feel like I missed something or didn’t do what I was supposed to
2024-12-09 14:57:02
Raven :
This makes me feel just a tiny bit better
2024-12-09 19:24:11
olliejones_ :
This. Owning a home would be the same “goal” as our parents owning a mansion
2024-12-09 21:43:39
Sandman9996 :
I moved out and went to work when I was young so I could take financial responsibility for myself. My brother lived at home off my parents. Guess who has a house now?
2024-12-09 23:38:12
Ectobabble :
I have a 4 year gap bc of mental illness, and I'm watching everyone seemingly fly while I'm recovering and drowning. ☹️nothing is fun anymore but I want it to be...
2024-12-10 17:44:56
Ro :
Lots had parents help buy the house bought the first car, put money away for school, help pay for a wedding. I don’t even get a phone call on my birthday. life isn’t fair for lots of people.
2024-12-10 01:54:23
Lee :
Damn! So true. The things I want isn't how this generation of humans are built. I just need people like me for friends and hopefully a woman like a real woman that is genuine like me and actually give
2024-12-27 09:12:15
Lucy :
Comforting to know that it's not just me ❤️
2024-12-11 11:28:41
Laura Annie :
FELT. Speaking of, wish I could find a good therapist that’s not $150+ per session.
2024-12-09 19:28:23
Sara :
I needed this today. Thank you. 🌷
2024-12-09 08:56:06
user9134787888067 :
I'm looking at my peers and I feel like I made no headway in my life. I feel stuck and trapped and maybe I didn't see the opportunities in my 20s but now I'm searching and I'm just finding closeddoors
2024-12-16 14:26:54
GhostWinnie :
I’m in the “correct” timeline and I still don’t feel fulfilled. So please know, life is honestly about the small moments and what you prioritize. I’m trying to deprogram still.
2024-12-10 00:41:47
Sarah5690875 :
That’s true but also not, look at popular tv shows of friend groups (satc, friends, himym) they’re all in their late 20s/30s and for most of them are single, broke and renting.
2024-12-11 16:22:21
nadiainitol :
yeah no. my friends of same age are doing just fine. it's just me.
2024-12-09 22:45:50
taylorjohnson343 :
Wow I was JUST thinking about this. I’m 33 and unfortunately I did not go to college because I never knew what I wanted to do. And I’m stuck making $18 an hour. I can’t afford even food. They REFUSE to
2024-12-12 00:21:27
berrylish1 :
I needed to hear this thank u!
2024-12-09 06:36:23
Lava :
I really needed to hear this
2024-12-10 05:15:16
mavstoys :
observe your timeline. focus on your own growth. block other's noise.
2024-12-10 03:42:13
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