You care about your education, thats the best thing to hold on to. You’ll be okay
2024-12-09 15:26:45
Bobbarker6969 :
You got this big dog! Ain’t nothing wrong with taking longer than 4 years to graduate.
2024-12-09 15:37:07
mujari2 :
I work for the government. never went to college. you'll be gucci either way. you're smart and capable. you'll make it no matter what
2024-12-09 15:24:36
Bionic.Ben :
As someone that failed out and then came back to the exact same school with the water tower, you got this! Graduated in April after a 10 year journey, it can be done!
2024-12-09 15:38:58
h :
2024-12-09 17:22:50
Bob Stec :
I was a complete disaster when I started, but my mom made me start at the community college so when I transferred to a actual university i was ready
2024-12-09 15:28:54
LousefWoo :
I flunked out of university, had to go to community college and get my AA to bring my grade point average back up, took two gaps years to save up, reapplied to university, and after 7 years, part 1/2
2024-12-10 04:17:52
violetivy_studio :
You can do it! Most of the people I’ve seen return to school after a break did wayyyyy better than they were ever doing before (several of them got top honors and stuff like that)
2024-12-10 00:16:06
nazariomojica14 :
Howdy, everything is gonna be ok. I graduated high school in 2015 and flunked out of community college spring 2016. I joined the military between 2017-2022. I cried when I signed up for 2 classes
2024-12-10 03:10:11
Ariana Enciso :
I'm proud of you!! baby steps 👏
2024-12-09 15:33:39
MadisaurusRekd :
You can do it! It took me 6 years to get my bachelors after being admitted on provisional basis. I’m in grad school now w/ a 4.0 You can do it!!!!
2024-12-10 06:04:10
Evan :
I failed out of university in 2020 and I graduated earlier this year. Now I’m applying to master’s programs. Anything is possible
2024-12-09 18:08:18
Coconspirator :
I went through 6 majors and dropped out of 3 colleges over 11 years till I found a major and a routine that worked. In that time had many jobs and learned about myself, and I'm better for it.
2024-12-10 10:47:06
ArkhanTheNerd :
You got this! You hit a low and now you’ve rebuilt. Get that degree and go be awesome!
2024-12-11 19:45:37
itsyaboichrisg :
You’ve got this! Everyone’s life path is different. I flunked out of university too it’s really a terrible feeling/experiece. Good on you for working hard to get to where you want to be!
2024-12-09 17:55:09
Di :
well meowdy there howdy. took me 10 semesters and 2 involuntary semesters off to finish what normally takes folks 5 semesters. you've got this.
2024-12-09 15:43:02
luckysattttt :
howdy, as an internet stranger i hope the best for you!!!!!
2024-12-09 15:38:59
PJ Doherty :
U got this! The greatest teacher, failure is. Yes that’s a Star Wars quote but I’ve found it be truer than anything else I’ve heard
2024-12-10 00:07:06
ThatSleepyGirl :
So proud of you babe. I’m finally getting back into a rhythm myself. 2024 had the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Let’s end this year strong and crush 2025!!!!
2024-12-09 17:46:33
harley river 🎀 :
i am beyond proud of what you’ve done over the past year. you’re incredible and i’m so lucky to know you 🤍
2024-12-10 08:10:41
justinsanak :
Keep going. Nobody will care what path you took to the finish line after you cross it, or how long it took. A degree is a degree and you're going to be so proud of yourself once you get it.
2024-12-09 19:51:26
Eric R :
it took me a couple tries and I didn't get my degree til I was 29. It lined my life up with some of my closest friends. If I did it all on script none of them are in my life today, so worth it!
2024-12-11 15:50:03
Nick :
I’ve also been on a winding path to get my education. I’m happy that you have the option to go back. I’m rooting for you!
2024-12-10 04:01:37
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