@scrimthfc: Nietzsche once said that all beauty incites to procreation. This statement conflicts with the aesthetic dullness of Islam. Actually, it conflicts with all monotheism but Islam is the most abhorrent stifler of beauty. Compare the raw passion and energy expressed by men and women allowed to fully express themselves to Islam and its severe suppression of female beauty. What does a woman dressed head to toe in a black robe incite beyond a dullness? We exist in the context of our aesthetic ideals and any deviation from this diminishes our existence and the experience that comes with it. Beauty is what we live for. It fills us with a deep desire to elevate ourselves to something beyond what we are. It incites vigour and vitality. Islam’s hatred for beauty causes cultural stagnation. Our acceptance of nature and beauty’s place in it is our strength. Be wholly human and don’t try to diminish the experience. #islam #beauty #nietzsche
at the end of the day. for nietzsche all monotheistic religions are life denying and should be surpassed. using nietzsche specifically to critique islam is silly
2024-12-10 20:37:41
akcn drtyio :
Nietzsche was right about monotheism.
2024-12-18 09:44:38
Ben🔞 :
The hijab, niqab, and the burqa are tools of oppression for islam. Women in such countries do not have a choice, they will be imprisoned or killed for uncompliance. These are tools used to control.
2024-12-16 20:53:59
Abruy :
Nietzsche died alone his sister and mom took care of him end like him
2024-12-10 13:47:11
Xixsmin :
Islam doesn’t hate beauty, it values it to the extent that it wants to safeguard it from other’s gaze, elevating it’s value. What value is beauty if all can see it?
2024-12-10 19:03:41
Ulquiorra 𖣂 :
Islam doesn’t hate beauty but rather believes one’s beauty should only be shared with their significant other. This goes for both men and women when it comes to the Quran and
2024-12-16 10:58:35
. :
caption might be the most real thing I've ever read
2024-12-10 09:54:46
ANTO ☹ :
Why is nobody understanding the caption
2024-12-10 16:39:13
Fair Enough But What Fredrick Nietzsche Said Applies To All Three Abrahamic Religions , including Christianity Before Anything Else
2024-12-18 15:26:42
nokotan :
Muslim women keep the hijab or burqa or niqab mostly to respect the significant others and also because of you look at the statistics 🍇 is more common in Europe or other places BUT Muslim countries
2024-12-20 21:17:44
absurd :
using nietzsche to critique any religion??? this isn’t even a point it’s just nietzsche
2024-12-25 11:04:34
KV2 :
What does this mean
2024-12-10 20:13:53
First Last :
Uhhhh a number of things. 1.) Nietzsche liked Islam alot more then Christianity. He said something along the lines of "If Mohammedanism were the religion of Europe, then the German race would have already conquered the whole earth." It's was in The Antichrist if I remember correctly. He saw Christianity as a weak religion 2.) Religion is not the primary contradiction. I don't really care if white people in my country convert to Islam, so long as it stays ethnically homogenous
2024-12-16 07:37:17
K0rb1 :
Song name?
2024-12-19 17:31:17
$€🅱️ :
Suppressing the urge to repost
2024-12-10 11:17:15
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