@jacatwork: We’ve all been there! You want to be a team player & jump in to help out…but is it a trap?? Here’s how to think about those additional work requests: 1️⃣ How important is it? Get clear on how important and urgent this is to your boss (or the team)! It’s easy to assume that every request from a manager or senior leader is important and urgent. 2️⃣ What exactly is the ask?? Don’t say yes without clarity. Is it a quick 10-minute win, or will it take hours or days? Make sure you know what you’re committing to. 3️⃣ What precedent are you setting? Volunteering occasionally = good team player. Saying yes every time = setting a new norm where it’s expected. 4️⃣ Are you tracking your contributions? Document your extra work! That way, you can highlight your efforts during reviews or promotion discussions. #careeradvice #careertiktok #corporatelife #corporatetiktok #career #communicationskills #workadvice #career #workingwithamanager