@audreylilliann: running my first marathon 🫶🏼 this will probably be my most emotional caption I’ve ever shared but this was a very emotional experience for me. After training for months and working towards a goal I didn’t believe I could achieve, I finished my first marathon and it went so better than I ever could have expected. If I could imagine my ideal run, it would’ve been this day. I went into it very open to whatever experience I would have. I knew it could be 26.2 miles of pain but all I felt the entire time was joy and you can clearly see it on my face in this video. Training has been an emotional rollercoaster. I’ve had my highest highs and lowest lows these past few months and almost quit many times, but pushing through when something is hard is so much more rewarding in the end. I know a lot of people run marathons and this might not be a big deal to some, but for me I am so incredibly proud of myself and grateful and blessed to be able to run. So take this as your sign that you CAN do something hard and anything that you set your mind to. Again, thank you to everyone for all of the love and support throughout this experience I appreciate you all more than you know 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 #Running #marathon #marathoner #runner #run #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #26miles