@conscious_hockey: Aiming your Shot Cheat Sheet When you skate in one direction for a long time at a consistent pace the goalie will probably be centered on the puck shoot for holes close to the goalies body. When you skate and change direction quickly and have the puck in a shooting position, shoot the puck on the side where you are moving towards. When you skate and change direction quickly and it takes time for the puck to get into a shooting position, shoot the puck on the side where you came from. All of these are just guidelines for where to aim if you cannot look up for whatever reason. Ideally you always look up and pick your spot to shoot but the reality is sometimes you don't have enough time so if you can have self awareness like I have described above you'll understand where the goalie is likely weak. It is not a guarantee but with some focused practice this sense can elevate to be pretty accurate. Thanks for reading! #hockey #NHL #hockeypractice #hockeytraining #hockeylife #hockeyseason