most "pit bull" owners don't even have a pit bull 🤣
2024-12-14 17:41:58
glr30ek NM mm :
I had a 100lbs pit and a great Pyrenees (130 lbs) now. These Great Pyrenees are in a different class, they are serious about protection and don't F around!
2024-12-12 01:42:57
jacountr :
who cares they shouldn't be fightin in first place
2024-12-18 05:39:10
Thebeast123 :
I got a boerboel that is 135 kg
2024-12-20 05:41:58
CorsoRiggs :
I have a 160 pund male Cane Corso with a bite force of 700 psi but never think about whether or not he can "beat" another dog. It's not the right mindset.
2024-12-21 19:15:29
prettynaj :
couldn't beat my cane corso tho🗿
2025-01-20 01:59:37
Sydnee :
It’s like the pitbull people don’t even realize a LGD has the strongest bite force out of all dogs. 🤦🏼♀️
2024-12-12 04:50:57
livinlife1025 :
pyr is not built to fight they are built to stop a threat at all costs if that means fight they will but will also avoid if possible
2024-12-12 00:58:29
Kirsten :
People just have no idea what a Great Pyrenees dog is 🤦🏻♀️They are OUTSIDE GUARDIAN dogs!!!
2024-12-22 17:03:10
mr_little21 :
most pitties are big babies. mine was afraid of the cat
2024-12-14 00:09:17
Gift Hlongwane :
Pitbull is 250psi but it can fight for more than 45min, great Pyrenees will never 🤔
2024-12-19 08:07:22
Blake😴 :
I have a cane Corso with 700psi 120lb
2024-12-22 14:49:29
Kevinbaken :
A true pitbull owner would say their dog and your dog would be bestest friends.
2024-12-20 03:35:00
DamonMI :
😂 I’ve got kangals, I see a pit bull and just think what a cute puppy you have…
2024-12-12 01:38:43
seanbell979 :
wow I own Pitts my whole life and I'm here to say it's the fight in the dog my girl pit is around 110lbs RAW muscle that being said the toughest dog I ever seen was a golden retriever because it's the
2024-12-17 20:18:41
Fight :
I have learned that when people mention bite force in dog fight debates, they have no idea how dog fights go
2024-12-13 10:48:50
Ryan Malbon :
Would they be able to stand up to an Alabai ??
2024-12-29 04:30:27
D*Roman :
People forget that Great Pyrenees are basically protection guardian dogs.
2024-12-13 21:00:53
Jemesin :
I have a 225lb Chihuahua
2024-12-24 19:07:18
stacyrayhill :
No way a pit would have a chance against a Pyr. My male was just weighed at the vet last week, he’s 2.5 and weighed 139 lbs. He’s the sweetest, big boy that loves his family.
2024-12-12 00:50:03
Blessing Nonjoli :
whats the name of the breed
2025-02-04 18:06:40
scottykno :
It’s not always the breed of dog. It’s what the dog is trained for and been through. Let’s not let the dogs fight tho.
2024-12-14 02:54:21
Sarah Kman :
I think my leonberger would put up a good fight if she was a country dog but she is a city dog 😅. Leo's have Pyrenees in their blood line
2024-12-13 23:42:50
mommamistakes :
people don't understand the capabilities of guardian breeds
2024-12-13 14:54:27
Hannah kirby :
Historically your dog protects cattle. My pitbull gets under her blankey and won’t be coming out except to whine for dinner or go to actual bed. They’re not the same. 🙃
2024-12-27 17:35:19
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