@ashleecookk: Products Used✨ @NYX Professional Makeup Face Glue Primer @HNB Cosmetics Face & Powder Brush Sets @Jordana Ticia Cosmetics Bronzer Duo in Coastal Oasis + Powder Duo in Marshmallow @Peaches & Cream Cream Color in Mulberry @LYS Beauty Triple Fix Concealer TN3 (Link in bio to save✨) @about-face beauty Foundation D1 Neutral @Trigwell Cosmetics Powder Puff (Link in bio to save✨) @REVENGE BEAUTY 💋 Gossip Column Blush Palette @Maybelline NY Fit me powder 355 #ashleecookk #foryou #trending #cranberrymakeup #makeup #beauty #underpainting #jordanaticiabronzerduo #nyxfaceglueprimer #blushpalette #holidayglam