@itskayav: Day 2 of the road to 8 figures 🤠 And my focus this week is creative ways to spend more money and create more expenses that I can deduct so I can lower my taxable income. As the wealth multiplier in my marriage, it’s my job to figure out ways to build actual WEALTH, not just make more money. Income is a tiny part of the generational wealth puzzle. Tax planning is a huge aspect and I need more assets (not just residential rental properties) that have a ton of expenses. Whats the point of making tons of money and passive income if I’m not keeping a lot of it!!!!! 😳 I’m getting more into commercial real estate and boring cash flowing businesses for this reason. I need to spend more money!!! Lol #womeninrealestate #womeninrealestateinvesting #womenwhoinvest #wealthjourney #generationalwealth #realestateinvesting #moneyadvice #wealthcreation #wealthbuilding #austinrealtor #realestateinvestor #taxplanning #rentalproperty #realestatebusiness