How are they even allowed to still be a business, they always just pay fines. Should be criminal charges not cival.
2024-12-14 02:45:29
AnarchoDoggo :
This Enron parody bit he is doing is so funny, and the timing makes it so much better
2024-12-14 01:36:39
Colin McCormick :
wait that was real?
2024-12-14 04:12:14
Laz :
Millennials have lived through crisis after crisis after crisis. Can’t we have a little peace every now and then!?
2024-12-14 16:31:26
KnJ :
My old bosses were in tech with Eron and they lost EVERYTHING, retirement, stocks, everything. They logged 60-70 hr weeks on average just for the rug to be pulled out from under them.
2024-12-14 07:30:30
georgehathaway420 :
Yeah, everything past 2001 has been one financial nuke after another for me. Currently no savings, and the five year plan is to work for two years after my funeral to catch up on bills
2024-12-14 15:45:32
MK :
I’m born and raised in Portland and I had no idea Enron had headquarters in Portland 😭😭
2024-12-14 02:28:01
JonBoy :
I'm at the perfect right age for my entire adult working life to be a series of "you for sure aren't going to be able to retire" events
2024-12-14 15:22:25
𝐁𝐫𝐢⋆ :
My husband's a chef, and the restaurant owner's father is one of the Enron accountants! He's there literally every day.
2024-12-14 16:00:35
Bitchin Supreme 👢 :
enron was a big pnw scandal? I thought it was like in New York or something 🥴 It was a big deal here tho so idk why I didn't put it together
2024-12-14 04:27:57
JD :
Have you seen the "we're back. can we talk?" Enron billboards an artist put up around houston this year? Got all of us giving side eye in Houston 👀😆
2024-12-14 17:36:51
Bree :
It's a joke guys. The new Enron guy is the same guy behind the Birds Aren't Real thing a few years ago
2024-12-14 17:40:15
Burn baby burn
2024-12-14 04:38:43
Katkumee✨ :
I thought it was a parody. There’s a video of Bill Gates in the 90’s (I’m guessing based on the look of the video) getting hit with pie in the face. But reality was man just got pied 😂
2024-12-14 03:18:57
Cookiesnaps :
I remember it too
2024-12-14 02:55:30
JEKGoose :
I was getting my MBA just after Enron. Was told the biggest job of the future would be Rule Accountability Manager. lol
2024-12-14 14:48:03
MonaMoore :
Portlandite here, too...thank you for speaking up!!
2024-12-14 12:31:34
Antpsivison :
We pew pew CEOs and now we pie them I can’t wait till we do tar and feather them
2024-12-14 16:34:39
William Scarborough :
That’s crazy - nowadays I’ve been saving for years and can’t afford to purchase a house still.
2024-12-14 19:37:21
Ronny Yang :
thank you for sharing your story 💜💜
2024-12-14 12:51:23
misE :
Hi from Oregon!!
2024-12-14 02:33:46
lisalouisthatyou? :
We had the same thing in San Francisco Bay Area.
2024-12-14 12:30:14
user6462258586929 :
I thought Enron was gone? Ppl are saying it’s a “fake company” but how does that make any sense 😭
2024-12-14 20:22:05
TeylarMade Beauty :
My mom and aunt used to work for Enron when all of this went down. This was a wild time. One of them worked in accounting….
2024-12-14 23:38:17
Shibby :
Glad someone finally pissed off the old people who ruined everything for us.
2024-12-14 22:47:29
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