@ini_cash: Me for #HumansThatCreateArt , at Kaban Studios for their December 2024 capture! Kaban Studios has partnered with @Ini_Cash to dive into what exactly makes him the personality we all know and love. Ini brought us along his journey on his 10 month deployment - how that influenced him as a person, and as a creative. HTCA is a segment of @Kabanstudios, that drives to spotlight ever-growing creatives in our communities. Director: @ceojay___ Assistant Director: @69.views DP: @eotheoriginal Creative Director: @bongikaykhumalo Producer: @olamididi Photographer: @bytunde Assistant Photographer: @jubi.jamba BTS Video: @kabiruloya Stylist: @chaiirmanp Style Assist: @a_lliyah__ Style Assist: @therealjackie____ Graphic Designer @theayodavid Brand Operations Manager: @oluwa_vision