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Yuliana_Laiya :
2024-12-25 01:09:03
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Find a photo of yourself as a child. Hold it. Really look at it. That little face. Those bright eyes. They had no idea who they would become. They didn’t know what kind of world they were stepping into. But there was one thing they believed… that the person they would grow up to be would take care of them. And maybe you don’t realize it, but the way you treat yourself now… that’s how you’re treating them. Every time you call yourself stupid. Every time you pick apart your own reflection. Every time you tell yourself you’re not good enough. You’re not saying it to some version of you that doesn’t matter. You’re saying it to them. The child who once looked at the world with wonder. The child who only ever wanted to feel loved and safe. Just remember who you’re talking to. Because that child is still here. No matter what kind of life you’ve had. No matter if you grew up loved or neglected, supported or alone. No matter if you had everything you needed or spent years fighting just to be seen. That child never disappeared. They didn’t get left in the past. They still exist in the way you let yourself be loved or convince yourself you don’t deserve it. In the way you carry your pain, in the way you refuse to forgive yourself. In the way you hold onto dreams or abandon them before you even try. Because every day, whether you realize it or not, you are either breaking their heart or you are healing it. When you choose people who don’t value you. When you shrink yourself just to be accepted. When you let fear stop you from chasing what you want. That child feels it. And when you speak kindly to yourself. When you walk away from what isn’t good for you. When you show up for yourself and your life with love instead of regret. That child feels it. And one day, when this life is over, you’re going to meet them again. You’re going to look into those same bright eyes and have to answer a question. Did you take care of me? #selflove #selflovequotes #selflovejourney #loveyourself #loveyou #selfloveisthebestlove #innerchild #healing #HealingJourney
you see people as YOU are. —the last thing I want is for this message to be misunderstood, so I want to clarify something important. This isn’t about excusing toxic behavior or pretending real hurt doesn’t exist. Some people are genuinely unkind. Some things do hurt. Boundaries still matter. This isn’t about saying those things don’t affect us. But I’ve learned that sometimes, the way we feel about someone (esp when we don’t even know them that well) has more to do with what they bring up in us than who they actually are. I used to judge people without realizing my judgments were reflections of my own insecurities, past experiences, and emotions I hadn’t processed yet. This doesn’t mean we have to like everyone or let things slide that don’t sit right with us. But when we start understanding where our reactions come from, life feels lighter. We stop taking everything so personally. We stop giving so much power to things outside of us. Because we all deserve to experience more life in this lifetime. – Avi ❤️ #selfimprovement #selfimprovementdaily #selfimprovementjourney #mindset #HealingJourney #growthmindset #personalgrowth
Terimakasih Masyarakat kota Sukabumi, kami Pamit kembali ke masing2 wilayah Se nusantara #setukpapolrisukabumi #prawirasatrianusantara #prasanusa @humas_setukpa @Prawira Satria Nusantara 53.2 @SUKABUMI CITY
what triggers you REVEALS you ✨ — the last thing I want is for this message to be misunderstood, so I want to clarify something important. This isn’t about ignoring real emotions, pretending things don’t hurt, or excusing toxic behavior. Some things genuinely do hurt, and boundaries still matter. People can be cruel, and their words or actions can still be wrong. This isn’t about saying those things don’t matter. But what I’ve learned is that even though other people’s actions can affect us, the way we react…especially when something deeply triggers us…often comes from something deeper inside us. I used to have reactions I didn’t even understand, until I realized that a lot of my strongest emotions weren’t just about what was happening in the moment, but about wounds I didn’t even know I had. This doesn’t mean we should just let people treat us badly. It doesn’t mean our feelings aren’t real. It just means that understanding why we react the way we do gives us power because when we recognize what’s happening internally, we stop feeling so controlled by everything externally. Because we all deserve to experience more life in this lifetime. – Avi ❤️ #selfimprovement #selfimprovementdaily #selfimprovementjourney #mindset #HealingJourney #growthmindset #personalgrowth #CapCut
your inner world shapes your parenting ❤️ . #selfimprovement #selfimprovementdaily #parenting #personalgrowth #HealingJourney #mindsetshift #fyp #mindset #mindsetmotivation #selfimprovementjourney
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