@dj.xtian: BOSS CLUB HSINCHU 5th floor. (Social circle) No. 5 Linsen Rd East District, Hsinchu City 300 Taiwan Discuhan/karaoke vip/ billiards/SHOW GIRLS Ang bagong mong tatambayan every off mo. 5 mins walking distance away from hisnchu station lang. with the hottest dj in town. ‼️ Bringing rave . Edm .house music .. Also we have 3 billiard pool Mag eenjoi ka tlaga. So anu? Game.. This week na un open. Like the page ‼️ https://www.facebook.com/share/mVNRzxQsuRNk8Hxf/?mibextid=LQQJ4d#dngProduction #dngProduction #Bossclub